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Hi, I'm 14 and right now it's summer around here. There are always storms going on around here, this time of year. Okay, so this is the dumbest thing ever posted in Enotalone history but...I'm absolutely terrified of storms. I absolutely HATE wind and everytime I see a thunderstorm/tornado watch or warning on TV I freak out. I don't know how to get over this. Everytime I hear about a storm coming I automatically think I'm going to die. I live upstairs in apartments and I don't have anyone to help me out when I'm scared. Mom sleeps right threw them and so does my brother. I hate them so much. (Storms not my family) I don't know what to do or anything. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS WITH ANY SUGGESTIONS!!!! Because right now we have a SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH. PLEASE!!!



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Go to radioshack and buy you a weather radio that has an alert feature on it..that way when a warning or watch goes out for your county while your asleep it will wake u up..plus you'll hear the sirens go off anyways..


if u sleep in the bathroom when a storm is coming get u a bike helmet to protect your head in the event something were to happen your head will be protected..



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i dont think there is such thing as a dumb question.and even if there was this would be the place to post it because its not face to face and no ones gonna make fun of you and if they do you just block their PM. ok as far as your question. if you think there will be a storm go to sleep its hard to worry while you sleep.sleeping in the bathroom is a little accessive and uncomfortable and probably no healthy i suggest you just curl up in some blankets and sleep or do something you enjoy but then again i dont know where you live so i dont know how intense storms get. BTW PM me and let me know where you live cause we got a storm warning here too. oh and thank you for reading my poems


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I know exactly how you feel, I am terrified of storms too!! Like Jamiegirl said, you should try to get to sleep before everyone does. When I'm scared of storms at night, its always easier for me to go to sleep when I know someone is in the living room watching tv, or cleaning in the kitchen, or awake somewhere. Maybe also if theres a storm you could turn on your cd player & put it right next to your ear, so thats the only thing you can hear. Put on something relaxing so it helps you fall asleep. Also if I'm scared of storms late at night, I'll go online because most of my friends stay up really late, so it helps to talk to them. Or you could also take a blanket into the living room & watch tv until you fall asleep.

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uhm yeah another thing you can do is get a warm glass of tea and start a fir or turn on a heater which ever it doesnt matter then go watch tv. personally i love storms i was outside at like 3 in the morning during

el nino a few years ago what scares me are spiders honestly if i see a spider i will run out of the room screaming and lock the door.

uhhhhhhhh bye


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