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if 2 people are in a ralationship does it really matter who breaks up with who first.....my friend broke up with her boyfriend a few weeks ago....

and she only did it because she found out he was going too,despite the fact that she still likes him......what is your feedback on this.......does it matter?what do you think?


falling in love nowadays is like finding a $50 on the street you have to be lucky.........

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I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by "does it matter", but in my opinion, you should not break up with your significant other first, even if you hear that they're planning on breaking up with you. The reason is because what you hear might just be a rumor, and you might be breaking up with someone you love when they weren't even thinking of breaking up with you in the first place, and that would ruin the relationship when it could still have the potential to go further, you see what I'm saying?

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