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i just must be in love with her (long post)

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hey again every1,


k, 1stly, im only 15 and shes only just turned 15... is it possible to feel real love at our age? Quite likely i think, but im not sure...


2ndly, link removed , i visited this to find out more, and after thinking about it, i felt that many of the ideas suggested there applied to how i feel for her, apart from the 1 where it says: 'You have no doubt you're in love' i feel very strongly, that im in love with her but obviously, thats why im posting this, just to check.


3rdly, some of my friends dissaprove (or sumthing like that) of me going out with her, ie. i was asked, "do you actually find her attractive?" because, according to some people, she isnt very attractive, but i think they r nuts, i find her to be the most beautiful person ive ever seen, despite wot they say and i feel i dont really care in the slightest about wot they think of her (its my opinion of her that counts, surely?), wud this b becuz i love her?


4thly, i really cant stop thinking of her, absolutely honest there, and i the time that i spend away from her is erm, i think agonising would be over-doing it! more like, incomplete ... u get me? I hav felt incomplete 4 the majority of my life, but since i asked her out, monday 7th, i hav felt like sum1 else; much more proud to be me, much fuller, happier in general.


5th, we hav french kissed several times in the past few days, she is the only girl i hav ever kissed, cud it b simply this that is making me feel all these things? i hav had girlfriends b4, and i thought i loved them 2, but in this relationship, all my feelings are much stronger, and there are many more that i never knew of b4 her. I doubt it very much but, cud these be due to the fact that she is the only girl i hav ever kissed?


cheers guys, just say nething at all... woteva springs 2 mind


(~) willbob (~)


p.s i want to go further than french kissing, but i am not sure that she will take it as if thats all i want from her, nor am i sure that she is ready to go further yet and there is simply no way that i am goin to risk it w/o us both being quite alryt with it. However, i was not ready for our 1st kiss, on the very monday that i asked her out (i was very happy for her to let me know how she feels about me by doing that so i hav no-problems with that), the fact that she was soooooooo keen to get that done makes me wonder if she really is going places fast . And if she wants more from me than french kissing, where do we go? making out? thats the sorta thing u do on the bk row of the cinema aint it?


thx 4 ne help and advice, soz u had 2 read loads... i really appreciate it!!

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o, and, i wud say that she loves me equally and indefinitely... that tho i will find out from her once im sure that i am in love with her, and once ive told her so.


she is driving me nuts and i love that, i truly believe that i exist on this planet for her, and her only.




ha, lol, 1 more thing that we hav taken on. that monday i asked her out when we were walking home, i had the urge to let her know that she is my goddess, and she replied that every goddess needs a god. (or similar to dat), and so dats how we refer to each other, i feel this is a healthy lil joke to have in our relationship, wot du think?


(~) willbob (~)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i think im in love aswell!!!!!! im only 13 and ive had plenty of boyfriends before the one im going out with now. ive kissed loads of boys before him aswell so i know that it isnt because of that. if you feel anything like i do then you must be in love. i know what you mean by your feelings being stronger than before your most recent grlf!


do you find that when your not with her you find yourself thinking about her all the time and everything relates to her???? and when she just walks past you or smiles at you does your heart sort of leap and then you get butterflies? and when your out with her do you feel that you could be anywhere doing anything and youd still be as happy as you are wherever you are with her at that moment?????? thats how i feel. i never used to feel that with my other boyfs!!!!!! only a bit maybe but its much much much stronger!!!!!!!!

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