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Is there any hope for me?

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Ok...If you read my last post it was about a guy I was seeing....to make a long story short...he was amazing at first, but was so depressed about his friend that got shot...He would cry I would hold him, and pity him, come to find out, he lied, there was no dead friend and he was talking to alot of other girls...He led me on so bad, and started telling people I was obsessed, and he only told me that he was depressed about his dead friend so I would leave him alone, which is complete bul, because he would sit there telling me I was his baby and he wanted to be with me, blah blah. At first I was upset, but im completely over it. I dont need a person like that in my life, and I only liked who I thought he was, His ex (he was playin her too) and I got real close we talk on myspace all the time...At first I wanted revenge...so me and her made a plan. She lives in NJ I live in PA, shes gonna come up and were gonna make a surprise visit...but Ive been thinkin...do I really wanna do that? I mean I do in a way, cuz when I see him, im going to punch him in his face, but is it worth it? Im completely fed up with life...I have so many trust issues to begin with and he knew this. How can someone lie about there friend being dead? I feel like im never going to be able to trust anyone ever again. He really broke my heart. Im so fed up with lying as*holes...I feel like when I meet another guy even if I wanted to trust him, im not going to be able too...Is there any hope for me? I trust noone...My father messed my credit up, im 80,000 dollars in debt, I have no one I can go too...If I cant even trust my own family, how am I going to trust anyone else....please helpp

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honestly i think you will trust people again inoo it might seem hard now but thats because you have just had ur heart broke. Love has so many levels that u think when you are in love you have reach the top but you never can because there are so many. once you have a new relationship it might seem hard to trust that person at first but once you become more in love with him then it will eventualy come

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