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Headache and a bit dizzy.

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The thought of having drunk cleaning product scares me. It's been 1,5 hour ago now.

During the afternoon I was in a hurry b/c the pharmacist was nearly going to close.

While opening the fridge door a glass bottle with apple pieces felt out (of my shelve, we have to share the fridge). I started cleaning the floor which wasn't that much work. I cleaned the two cleaning things too. Even by using special cleaning pads so nothing felt off anymore but well I didn't clean it into detail with water and cleaning produc there it's just to hang at the wall near the dirtbags at the wall and I was reasoning like That's something I can do when I 'm back home. During cleaning the floor my neighbour entered the kitchen to start cooking. Like usually he is checking everything into almost not viewable for the eye things. He started complaining I didn't clean the brush that well till it won't give off smell after days.

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Thank you. I put the 1/3th of the juice I poured into the glass back to the small bottle it came from. I put water at the glass and no bubbles came so I think that's positive except of course I drunk a big drop that has been around where I put my mouth to drink.

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Thank you. I put the 1/3th of the juice I poured into the glass back to the small bottle it came from. I put water at the glass and no bubbles came so I think that's positive except of course I drunk a big drop that has been around where I put my mouth to drink.


My husband told me he could smell dish detergent on his coffee mug. The happened a couple of weeks ago, and he is still with us. I understand your fear of this because I go back over and over trying to make sure I get that off everything too. I'm not scared it will hurt me, but it sure would taste nasty.

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