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So I recently decided to reach out to my ex who dumped me.I took the plunge I called her over the weekend while I was on the road and know she's telling all of her friends that I'm a stalker. I just wanted to test the water and see if the spark was still there as I miss her and thought after time that passed we could be mates again. I'm not the sort of person who can stay mad at any one and like to re-solve things.


I'm done wasting my time on her. The dumb thing is she let slip to a friend that she does miss me and still loves me a few weeks ago and now this. I've tried getting over it before but keep ending up back here pining for her. I've done all the things suggested on this site and am looking for some unique advice to really help me push forward and stop me dwelling on what was. I have a serious case of one-itis. Replies would be really apreciated and thanks for reading this.

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I read your last thread and you wrote that when she broke up with you and you contacted her a month later, she threatened to get a restraining order. So it is not too surprising that she would make claims of you stalking her even though so much time has gone by. If you have never given her cause to be fearful then she is acting stupid by making threats and claims like this...and I would use this stupidity of hers to make you realize that she is not worth your time and energy.

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That's exactly what I needed to hear thank you so much. I hardly see contacting her a couple of times in the hope of giving it another shot as reason to be frightened or intimadated and I've never hurt her but its either unwanted attention or she's just being stupid. Either way I need to learn to let go. Your support means so much, thank you.

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