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Anger when losing/misplacing something

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Whenever I lose something and start looking for it I get super frustrated. So frustrated that nothing will stop me from starting to tear apart my apartment looking for it and screaming swear words and being super pissed off. I start calling myself an idiot for not putting whatever I'm looking for in a smarter place and then it just keeps going downhill. I know the solution is to stop looking and it'll turn up, but I CAN'T stop thinking about it or looking for it. I just get super mad and have no clue what to do. Any suggestions?

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Get containers of some sort right next to your front door so you can start training yourself to remember simple things such as putting your keys and wallet and change etc in a specific place.


And when you get frustrated - take some deep breaths, and walk slowly away from where ever you're looking and call somebody to just talk to. Go chat, anything that involves somebody else because I know people might get super frustrated but in the presence/on the phone with somebody else they tend to calm down easier so as not to embarrass themselves. Try that, I've done it before - I would call my friend Michele when I'd get frustrated and just chat it up with her, tell her I was frustrated for whatever reason and she'd help me calm down

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Lol, I tend to get quite angry at inanimate objects as well. Anger management can be difficult! Try to catch yourself when you start heating up, take some slow, deep breaths, think carefully of the top most likely places the object is & look. If you don't find it within a reasonable time, say 10 minutes, and it isn't absolutely essential that you have it at that very moment, stop looking, do something else & forget about it for a while. Most things turn up on their own eventually anyway. Usually when you are looking for something else, or immediately after you have bought a replacement.

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I wish I knew the answer. This happens daily when I am trying to find my keys, cell phone, or something else I've lost temporarily.


I've had to edit the behavior since I have a toddler in the house. That is really the only thing that has caused me to tone it down.


I notice that the more in a hurry/rush I am- the more pissed I get when I can't find something I am looking for. So "try not to rush" ...(easier said than done, of course)

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I think that when you start to get angry, remind yourself that getting angry won't help you find it. This is useful for a lot of things. I used to get so angry at myself for making mistakes or doing stupid things. But now I just try to accept I made a mistake or did something stupid, and then move on. It doesn't help to dwell.

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