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So there's this cute girl in two of my college classes. You could tell she liked me, I mean she was always looking at me and smiling being all flirty whenever I talked to her. She gave me a ride home a couple times and we hung out after class twice. Nothing big just walked around the beach and talked. Before she dropped me at home I gave her a hug and she leaned in for a kiss which didn't happen. Well she gave me her number the next day but then when I asked her to do something later she said she was busy(the excuse). Ha well I gave her some flowers the next day, nothing crazy and no roses. I probly shudn't have oh well it was nice she liked them. Anyway after that idk i don't get it. She still kinda flirts with me in class and smiles when I look at her but idk if I should ask her to do something again or just let it be?

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Don't read too much into it. The fact that she's still flirting/looking at you is a good sign. I would stay the course and just keep doing what you're doing for a while BEFORE you do something major again, like kiss her.


Do you guys text? That is a good, non-pressure way to talk to a crush, I've found.

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Ha no we don't really text. I probly should though sometime, not a bad idea. I see her like 3 days out of the week for class tho.


Yeah well I'm not going to stay the course for too long semester ends in like two weeks so its time do somethin. But yeah I didn't kiss her or try to like I gave her a hug and she was all like in kissing mode but I just gave her a hug and bounced. It was actually really embarrassing, thats why I'm surprised she even gave me her number.


I actually think she's gunna tell me she's busy again. I'm not a very confident guy like when I look at someone who's very attractive all I think is how she's probly not interested instead of going to talk to the person. I think this girl kinda picked up on that when I didn't kiss her and am always all at a loss for words and stuff when I talk to her. It's not always like that but most of the time I can't even talk, except pull out a smile.

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Dude, i would so follow up on that. You dodged her kiss and "bounced", she probably felt a little rejected. So doesn't sound too discouraged, still giving you the look. I'd say she's clearly interested. You said semester ends in 2 weeks? You got nothing to loose man, go for it! You guys text, see if she could give you another lift home? There ya go, some personal time. Maybe set up a bit of a study session, if your at a loss for words then just do it through text. There's bound to be some common interest to easily talk about while studying the same stuff. Maybe she was legit busy and not just an excuse. I'd take that chance.

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Yeah I really don't think she was legit busy...like def excuse.That's what I dont get. Hang out with me, give me ur number, reject me, then keep all flirty with it.


Anyway yeah its worth a shot. I'll try the ride home thing prob thats a good idea. If she doesn't go for it then i get the picture but no harm in trying I suppose.


misssmithviii how do I go about doing that? Ha just go for it and plant one on her when I'm talking to her after class or watever. If she doesn't want the kiss shes just gunna give me so weird ass look.then I'm gunna feel like the biggest idiot in the world....so idk about that..see thats why i didnt even think about it the first time.

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Yeah I really don't think she was legit busy...like def excuse.That's what I dont get. Hang out with me, give me ur number, reject me, then keep all flirty with it.

Sounds like the common 21st century girl to me... I've got used to it and if I think she's just playing me than I'll walk away.


I would give her a second and last try. Two strikes --> out! ;-)

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