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Does she like me?

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Well, ive been in the same class with this girl since about last august, sitting right infront of her. I began turning around and talking to her abit later that fall, mostly about nothing, and school related work. Though since about march, when she threw a sort of party, for the class, i've begun thinking about the two of us. At that time, i didn't and still don't think there was anything between us. Since then, we have talked abit more, about other subjects. Mid may our class went on a school trip to Cambridge, where we all spent 3 nights in a hotel. We would mostly stay in our rooms or in the welcoming area of the hotel, during the late hours of the day. And the 2nd night, she and some other people came by our (me and 3 other boys) hotel room, and she laid down beside me watching TV. That wasnt as awkward as (maybe) you would think, cuz by then we were sort of friends, but i thought it was nice, and i definitely "thought" i picked up an interest. Though the next night I went into some other classmates room and watched scarface on Sky, when she entered and sat down, this time not beside me though, probably cuz it was taken. Then later one of the boys that had that room came back, and was feeling abit sick, and laid down on the bed, where she sat. I didnt think much of it at first since we didnt "have" anything. Then as the movie went on we all talked about just about anything, and i noticed the other guy had laid down close to her (she was allso laid down), and had his arm partially around her, and I really resented that, it basically gets worse from that point, since i was unable to go back to my own room, since it was too late, i had to spend the night in that bed, and as time passed ( 03:00 ) or something night time, she "finally" left to go down to her own room. Trying to sleep and not to think about it (i have left out certain parts of she not wanting to leave, for some reason), i hear that guy and another saying things about her, that made me think he didnt have feelings for her. And i was acctually quite relieved. When we came back from that trip, they both went on another, with their Biology class, for about one week. I really hated the thought of them together, but remembering what i had heard, I still kept hope that he wasnt gonna try anything. Thats about 2 weeks from now. And its acctually worked out very nice. when they came back i learned that she had tried to send me SMS , but to the wrong number, some old one i had ages ago. Since then ive had her msn for about a week, talking about everything. Shes sendt me and ive sendt her SMS' just asking what shes done that day, ending up in about 20 messages each time, talking about nothing. We have probably written a book of messages on msn, just within a week, and things really feel good, from my side. These latest days we have gotten an even better tone i think, spending about 3 messages just saying goodnight to eachother...

Last night when i told her i had to work today, she replied saying that was too bad, since she was going to ask me out, which i didnt really respond to instantly (guess i was kind of shocked), then she said she was just joking..!


Acctually writing this has put things in sort of perspective for me, and i feel abit more confident, but id like some response though, what to do next?




Im also sorry for any lingual errors throughout my text, seing as im from Norway

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I never read the whole thing, but she seems to like you..especially the last MSN message saying she was going to ask you out! I bet she just said she was kidding because you never responded at first and she was embarrassed. Just ask her out somewhere, to a movie or something, you won't know until you try!

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  • 1 month later...

ok this girl definitely likes you. first of all, you have managed general conversation with her that seems to go smoothly. sitting next to you casually is just so that you might strike up a conversation. sitting relatively close and fondly with another guy is to get ur attention. not even make you jealous, its not like she started making out with this guy, just enough to let you know there are other guys around and to get you to start acting. and now with talking on msn and everything, im 16, and these would definitey be ways i would attract a guys attention and then to top it off, the JOKE, omggggg, this is like the biggest indicator, like unless this girl was like your best friend or something, this JOKE means the literal meaning. honestly if this girl doesn't like you, i would be shocked.

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