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what should i do?

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There is this girl i know and i really like her.for the past weeks i cant stop thinking about her!!! Im going to explode and take planet earth with me if i dont ask her out. i talked to her about 7 times and the first time i talked to her she started the conversation. im pretty positive one time she waved and smiled at me. whenever i go too ask her out her friendare always around, i try to wait until there gone but they never go away! tomorro, the school is having a graduation party and i think it would be a good time what do you guys think. and do you think she is interested?

Please make a replie.

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Sure it would be a good time. Parties are great times to ask girls out. But don't make it seem like a huge deal, like asking her to go to another room or something. Just walk up to her and ask her. She could be interested, there is a strong possibility of it. Look at my lil quote on dating, and keep repeating that through your head until you go up and ask her. Good Luck.

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Okay, i know EXACTLY how you feel. If you feel like you have any chance at all, TAKE IT. By that i mean, if you think she likes youfrom what little bit you all have talked, than take it a step further. Say, "Hey, can I pull you aside for a sec and talk to you?" If she says yes, great. If she'd prefere to talk around her friends, even better because you get to practice talking in front of a group. Either way, you need to tell her you think she seems kool(or slide in a different wprd depending on you age) and ask if she wants to hang out some time like at the movies or whatever. Ask for a phone number so you guys can talk about it further(If you think you'll get that far, have a pen just in case). Remember, think about what you are saying, but dont think too long or you'll look like an idiot. Oh ya, almost forgot, DO SOMETHING! Don't let her slip by. A girl not interested is 1 out of a million. There's plenty more so don't sweat it.


Good Luck,


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