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what do i say to my friend!!!

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I am in a bit of a predicament. I'll give you the short version of the story. My roomate and best friend got my cousin pregnant.

The baby was born 2 weeks ago, and both me and him both found out the same day (sunday) that he is the dad. we knew she was pregnant but i didnt have a clue that it might be his.

As yet he doesnt know that i am aware that he is the dad! Now what do i say... eventually its going to be out in the open. I feel bad for him that he found out so late and everything, but then again he should have been more careful.

I am not pissed that they had something going on, that i was aware of, but i also know they weren't serious... they were just messing around. Now everyone is screwed it seems. two people stuck together for life with a baby, with someone they never thought it would happen with.

Whats everyone tae on this?

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Did the new mother know that your cousin was the father all along? Because if she did, she should've told the father in the beginning. I think I'd be down right pissed off if the mother approched me after the baby was born and said "Oops I forgot to tell you that you're the father!"


I don't think it's your place to tell the father, that should be the mother's responsibility. You should stay out of it, but offer help if asked. Hope things work out!

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This guy came to our school and talked about this. The same thing happened to him, except, it was with his best friends ex-girlfriend. Evidently, she had forgotten to take her pill the following morning, and while she had only been doing it to get her ex angry, she actually got pregnant. He ended up putting the baby up for adoption, and his life was pretty bad for a long time. His parents threw him out of their house, and banned him from coming back. He had to live with his friend for like 2 years before he graduated college and went somewhere else. I don't really know what to do, maybe you should have them put it up for adoption? They don't need to spend the rest of their lives with each other, especially if they don't love each other. Ask him how he feels about her, and if he says really angry, then he probably doesn't really love her. I don't know all the details, so you should just do what you think is right. Good Luck.

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