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is there really such a thing as loving a girl at my age or liking someone too much! there's this girl in my class and i can't get her out of my head

(thats why i'm writing this)? i thought her the whole time we went on a class trip and what i would do if i saw and what she would do back. i came up with a million different situations. now that were back in school i'm not doing so well in the class that she's in with me. i keep looking at her and trying to do anything to be with her. am i going through some faze or what?

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Its the most common thing to happen to anyone our age. You have a crush. It happens to everyone. There is not one teenager on earth that can say that this exact thing did not happen to them. You might grow out of it, or you two might end up going out. Its just part of human nature.

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Right now it may be a little early to tell if you love this girl, i'd say you definitly have an interest in her though. no matter what anyone says though, i do believe you can fall in love young; i fell in love when i was 13, and now not too far from being 15 i still believe it was love.



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well im 16 and you know what? this guy that i knew since i was 4, in my class for 5 years, we were best friends and did everything together, and i knew i was in love since i was 10. i know sometimes you feel as if you're too young to know what love is, and in most cases it's true, but some individuals are capable of this intense feeling. i mean the guy i loved, he moved away and the end of grade 8, and i now have a bf that i love very much, but part of me will always belong to him. he was part of my innoncent, uncomplicated childhood, part of a time when things couldn't be stressful. i know that i loved him, and i am over him now, but i did love him, i don't deny the fact now. so it will take time, and it depends on the person you are, but your age doesn't have much with what you're capable of feeling.

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Yes you are going through a phase. Its called puberty. Everybody likes someone as much as you do at your age. I know I used to do the whole daydream thing myself. Its normal, its not something that you can turn off and on. You could just approach her and talk to her. Not try and go with her or anything, just to be friends with her or become friends with her friends so that you can meet like that and have a chance to talk. Good luck, I don't miss being your age.

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dude, i tell ya what, your bad grades is contributed to thinking about her all the time, as if your thnking about asking her if she likes you or something, dont be shy, just go up let it fly and try to chill with her, start hanging with her and talking, thats the first thing that shows somebody of the opposite sex that you are interested, but no it is not wrong to love to much, u just need to go get her and separate play from work. There is time for love even though its hard to get it out of your mind, school is important. but i think that your just letting these feelings build up in you. let them flow, lol

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