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My First Date!! Help!!

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Hello, im going out tomorrow(wednesday) with my g/f...and it is my first date! we are going out to a mall and it has directly next to it the movies...i dont know what do say/do she is pretty shy..the first time we went out she wanted her friend to come along, but this time we are alone

please anybody tell me what to do!

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If you're nervous about your first date, down a few of shots of vodka before hand hehehe that's what I did and it went fine.


But seriously, you probably don't want to do that because being drunk doesn't normally impress girls. Just be yourself and maybe think of things to talk about with her before so you don't run out of stuff to say and have long, awkward silences - you can even make a list if it helps. The fact that she's shy will mean that you will probably have to start most of the conversations at first.


Talk about what she does for fun, what music she likes, what her classes/school's like or what she likes to watch on TV. Try to find out about her, rather than talking about yourself all the time. Oh and don't go on about sport, how much you hate your exs or how loud you can burp it won't impress her!


If you intend on talking her to the cinema make sure you pay, and ask her in a subtle way like 'do you fancy going to see a film later?'


The best advice is not to worry too much about it. I'm sure you'll be fine.


Good luck!

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Just Relax. If this girl likes you enough to bo going out with you, just be yourself.


Having ideas of what to talk about would be good. But if you are going to make a list, dont bring it along, not a good idea.


Have a basic plan of what you want to do while in the area of the mall/movies. But always be open to suggestions. Im sure you will do fine.



Good Luck!

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Yeah dizzy bruce, rub your alchohalic tendencies off on a 14 year old boy.. smooooooth (joking of course)


Well, first dates can sometimes be a little awkward and somtimes they feel completely natural. Like others have said, have in mind some things to talk about. You could also try complimenting her in a gentleman like fashion. Bad example: "You are a really hot broad." I wouldn't try this. But saying something about her hair being nice or her looking pretty even beautiful could be sweet of you.


Also, be the gentleman and make her comfortable. Don't sit too close and just be your normal friendly self. Put on some nice clothes, brush your teeth, and do whatever other things you do to keep up your hygeine. Also, if you use cologne or are thinking about it, don't put on too much. The best way to put on perfume or cologne (usually) is to spray the air and then walk through the mist. Note: I wouldn't do this with your eyes open.


Have fun!


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Well, the date went fine, we sat down some time then we went to the movies. i noticed that 40% of the movie time she was actually looking at me . Although it is our first date, the ONLY physical contact we had was shaking hands . is this normal? should i ask her out again? when? she calls me everyday, or i call her. there wasnt even a goodbye kiss

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This is so cute! I'm sorry, I can't resist...many, many years ago was my first date, so please let me indulge in thinking how adorable this situation is.


Anyway, I bet she had a good time. The fact you were nervous means you probably went out of your way to be very mannerly and a gentleman, which you should always strive to be on all your future dates.


Now, if you had a good time, you should certainly call her and ask her for another date. Maybe something active so that you're not so nervous, like playing frisbee in a park (and if you really want to make it a special date, suggest a picnic), or going to an amusement park. Something fun and different. Also, don't worry about the kissing part yet. Get to know her a little more and hang out with her a few times until a kiss seems like the natural thing to do.


Keep us posted!

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My first kiss was about 4 weeks into a relationship that developed quickly, and that was this year (I'm 17) and since your 14 you can expect it to take longer.


40% of the movie is good, I only got 10%, the rest of it we were talking because the movie was horrid and we were the only ones seeing it lol!


As for physical contact, don't expect any unless you are going to start it. Start by just holding her hands. Ever heard the term "sweaty palms"? Well you're about to find out its origins Simply holding each other's hands is a good place to start. I'm really sad to say it, but being the man in this relationship you will be expected to start most of it.


As long as you're both comfortable, well mainly her, but you need to be too, consider this.


While holding her hand and walking, keep conversation going, lively, and light. Wait until you say something funny well, no wait until you say something that makes her laugh. Then pull her closer to you, preferable right next to you so you can feel each others legs brush gently. If you do this while walking it will be easier and more comfortable because she can easily pull away without conveying a "ew" message to you. After you have pulled her close, loosen up your arm to give her the chance to pull away. If she does pull away, don't fret it just means she isn't ready yet. This is something you can try multiple times during the night but if it doesn't work the first time don't try and force it to work the next times, and don't make it to obvious, if she is a foot away from you don't yank her towards you. Back to the advice. If she doesn't pull away, hold it there and see if you feel like you want to go to the next step, this may very well be where you want to stop. If you want to try something a bit closer, let go of her hand and put your arm on her back. [Maybe some females can verify this next part, I'm just talking out of practice and experience, not knowledge] Put your hand higher on her back, it tends to be less sensual and will make the transition a bit smoother. Make sure you watch her reaction, if she looks over her shoulder or eyes her back; take your hand away… not time yet. If she keeps smiling then your good to go and she probably wants your hand there. If you wanna try for more, move your hand down her back to holding her waist, just above the hips.


As for your question as to if your date was normal, for 14 years old. Yes it was if you both had a good time and could talk to each other I would say it went very well.


If you want a good night kiss, your gonna have to give it. Consult the 'kissing' forum for tips I read those too


Unfortunately I can't tell you if you should ask her out again, what do you feel you should do? (My bet is on yes though) Try the weekend. Early in a relationship and to a lesser extent later it is possible to see too much of each other, because small blemishes in your personality can turn her off (and vise versa) because if you see too much of them they look much worse then they really are. Personally I would go with once or twice a week until your really comfortable.

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