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i've gone out with this girl once, one to one. then, a few days later, she told me she doesn't wanna get serious with me so soon, as in she doesn't want to have very close relationship with me yet. then she suggested that she will invite me out in a group with her friends. so i said "fine" because i trust her to ask me out. BUT she didn't! i don't know if she has any reasons, but she don't seem to try to create chances/opportunities. worse, a few days ago, when she went out with her friends, she invited my friends(guys) and not me. PS : my group of friends is quite close to hers. i may sound quite possessive, but i feel that she didn't take her promise to heart. i feel that she is breaking my trust for her. have she lose interest in me?

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You can't make a person do something. Why don't you just ask her out again. Don't take what she said too literally maybe she was just thinking out loud. It is kinda strange that she would invite your friends but not you. If you ask her out again maybe you will find out if she likes you or not.

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It's possible that she has changed her mind and no longer wants a relationship with you. It just so happened that the exact same thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago being led on really sucks, but like the other person said, you can't change the way someone feels about you.


Try asking her out again, is it possible she didn't enjoy the first date which is why she doesn't want to go out again? Persevere if you really like her.


Good luck.

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