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my friend isnt my friend anymore

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My friend has liked me since the beginning of the school year and i have liked him too.now its almost the end of the year and i want him to go out with me so much. but somthing bad happened one day on the ride home from school.........? We were riding home on the bus and he was sitting accross from me and the song graduation came on by Vitimin C. the whole time that song was on all we did was stare into eachothers eyes and i was crying and he had tears in his eyes. as soon as i got off the bus i cried the rest of the day. that night i told him that i cried and he said why and i told him that too. he was like i like you too and stuff. after we had got done talking i went to a friends house and stayed the night. when i got home i called him and we talked for a while and when we hung up everything was fine. the next day when i went back to school he wouldnt talk to me and when i asked him why he would just walk away. so i got one of my other guy friends to ask him why he was mad at me and when he came over he told me that he said the reason why he was mad at me is because im a B****. i couldnt believe he called me that because for one he never swares at me and he never hates anyone. hes the kind of guy who likes everyone. now that he wont talk to me i feel like my life is over because he is my life. i will always love him no matter what. even if he never talks to me again. can someone please help me get my best friend back. so i can go on with life

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the only thing i could think of, is maybe he heard a rumor about you doing something he didn't like. rumors fly everywhere at school, trust me i know. you really need to find out the details before freaking out and ruining the friendship even more. try calling him and telling him you need to know why he thinks your a b****.

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I think its probably just a misunderstanding. He probably just heard a rumor like leftygirl said. The best thing to do would be to talk to him yourself and find out why he is angry. But dont get mad back, or you will ruin your relationship. Good Luck.

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