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Need Help about how to ask ths guy out

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I am 26 and have been broken up from my ex for about 4 months ans now think it is time for me to start dating again.


I work in an accounting firm and one of my clients is just my type. He is 37 and I know that he is not married but I don't know if he has a girlfriend or not. I don't think he does but I am not sure. Whenever he is the office we flirt like crazy. I work in a family owned business and my mom is always saying he would be such a nice for me.


How should I go about letting him know that I am interesed in him that way. I thought about email but don't have his email address. I thought about sending a note in the mail asking him if he would like to get together for dinner. HELP what should I do


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I would recommend you do it in person it makes a better impression.


Would you be willing to ask him out? It is a very different sensation for men because we are not used to being asked, we are usually expected to make the first move. I personally find it to be quite a turn on mainly because it shows that you like him. Next time you see him approach him and ask him if he would like to go to dinner some time, or another fun activity. Try writing the letter to him but don't send it. After you have written it, keep in near you for the next time you see him. Look over it quickly and approach him and say to him what you wrote in the letter, it may be harder in person but will work out for the better in person verses in the letter


Good luck

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Thanks for the reply...any other suggestions



Any suggestion on how to find out if he has a girlfirend!!!


So you think it would be to my advantage to ask him out in person??


Also what do you think about asking out a client. I don't want any friction between us and I don't want it to be odd. I am also afraid about rejection.


Any other advice

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Sorry I don't know how to find out if he has a g/f cept for asking him. \


I really think it would be advantageous to ask him out in person as opposed to via a letter. if you don't think you can do it in person try the phone.


As for him being a client, when I first read that he was your client I was going to warn you about company policy, but because it's a family owned business I don't know that it would be as much of a problem. If you to break up it would probably create some tension and you could possibly lose him as a client if your break up was not on good terms, are there other people in the business that could handle the business aspect with him while you are dating?

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Actually I am the one that handles his account. I am very good about keeping personal and business separate.


I just don't know how he would react. I don't want to get rejected becasue I will still have to see him.


I want him to know that I am interested but don't want to risk anything.


Any more advice

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Unfortunately there is no 'shield' that I know of to protect you from rejection. Many times you can protect yourself from rejection by carefully phrasing the question, but by doing so you will leave yourself wondering if he understood you were asking him out, or he maybe it was just that time or day you suggested that he was not available.


I'm sorry but I don't have any advice on how to approach this without making yourself emotionally vulnerable.


If your just talking about not risking your business life, a rejection will probably not risk to much, it is how a break up is handled that would risk this more.


I know this post probably wasn't very helpful to you, maybe someone else can help you more.

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