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In trouble, I've worked 4 scenarios...


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So there's a good friend of mine, really nice, always have a laugh but there was something else happening. She started giving me signs, really obvious ones too. At the time I was in the middle of getting over this major heartbreak so I didn't know how to take it but, she made me feel great with all these things Always wanted to ask her about it but I was scared and left it too long. So long that all of it just built up and one day I told her too much with this crazy ass e-mail (What was I thinking!? I never do things like that!) so obviously she wasn't impressed and I cocked up basically, felt like I right prat. We got back to being friends really easily but then a few friends told me that 'yes, she did actually fancy you', how confusing is that? Now I really don't know what to think but honestly... I don't know how nothing's happened yet anyway, were so right for each other, she's like me in a lot of ways, were both nice people in a good circle of friends and it just feels right. So what the hell do I do? I feel so trapped.


Do I : *


1. Carry on like this, pretend everything's ok when it's really not and suffer in silence.


2. Talk. Admit how you still feel, say why and explain how it makes things difficult. Find out the truth and ask if she ever liked you, if this up then that's it. Even though you'll miss her, you'll have to stay away from her because it hurts way too much to be around her (Especially if she winds up with somebody else).


3. Be as strong as you can and realise that the friendship could be better than anything, no point in leaving her because you get on so well and she might stay in your city for university. It might be a lot better this way because you'll definatly keep in touch and you'll know her for much longer.


4. Hey relax man, play it cool, be your self and see if you can get her attention this way. Be calm, try other girls, if you show some composure she might realise something herself. She'll start chilling and you might make that connection again one day, could lead to some 1-on-1 time where it'll be fine to finally say how you feel and yo... Things might work out

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There was another thread on here right now talking about someone who cared for someone and never told them.


I vote for:


2. Talk. Admit how you still feel, say why and explain how it makes things difficult. Find out the truth and ask if she ever liked you, if this up then that's it. Even though you'll miss her, you'll have to stay away from her because it hurts way too much to be around her (Especially if she winds up with somebody else).


If you don't and just be "friends" but secretly pine for her, it will only be heartache. Better to know for sure then to wonder. Take a risk. You will always meet more friends. if you try other girls, she might get the idea that you aren't interested in her.

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I think a combo of 2 and 4 would work. I think that email might have taken her back a bit, so she needs some time to really take it all in. I think you should let her know that that email was a bit much but the basic gist that you want her to get from it is that you think she's great and you like her. You're not asking anything from her right now and will give her as much time as she wants to think about it and for now, it's fine to just continue the friendship as you guys had before.

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