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I'm Confused !!! Pls help out!!!

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hi! Let me get to the topic. I have this close ex-classmate where we would talk to each other online almost everyday. But recently, he told me that he likes a girl. Well, i admit that i do like him but the following to happen. When i asked who is the girl in a casual way, he told me that that girl was me. Initially i did not believe what he said and at the same time spoke nothing about how i am feeling towards him. I continued talking to him cheekly, pestering him for who is the girl. . As we chat along, he told me that that girl had someone in mind, she is not pretty but he find her attractive. As i thought that girl wasn't me, he asked for my opinion on what he should do. i told him to just go for that girl and at the same time, dress himself up. Meanwhile he also thought about how he should let the girl know about his feelings. he told me about how he is going to say and asked for my comments. he said something like this " acutally i have been asking alot because i find u cute...worried that you might be attracted. Do i stand a chance? you might have like him more but i will cherish you more." sorry.. forgot to tell ya ... i once told him that i had someone in mind but that person was actually him!!! haiz!!! I told him if there is any other plan of saying it out. the following is the improved verison "acutally i have been asking alot because i find u cute...worried that you might be attracted. Do i stand a chance? " It was better and i told him that at least it doesn't sound so aggressive. All of a sudden, i saw these words pop out "ok these words are for you"... I was shocked. I dunnoe whether it is because of the guy's ego or wat.. after what he had said, he said that he was just kidding. that chat session ended soon after. a few days later in school, i saw him in school. His dressing was better. At least he wore pants rather than his shorts to school. But i noticed the change in his attitude. it is not the usual him. he used to be loud, in the sense that he talks and jokes in the lectures loudly. Now, he is very quiet(from what i can see)and i think he doesn't really dare to look at me face to face... I'm really confused at current situation as i dunnoe whether what i felt is true. :s

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How did you respond to him? If you were like "uhhh, ok..." He might have felt the was your way of rejecting him nicely.. I think that's how he's feeling.. i did that with a girl in 10th grade.. she said "uhhh, ok" and after that i just gave up. Me and her becamse ok friends, but, nothing more. If you like him I suggest you let him know before he gets over you and tries for someone else! I would say he likes you... most people don't joke around too much like that.. least i know i don't.

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Hi Confused,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us with your quetions. I am sorry to hear that he confused you.


I am all with pengui here. My suggestion is that if you really like him, you step up to him and ask him what this chat session was all about and if he was really kidding. Tell him that you are interested in him and that you really like him. Obviously you already know this guy, so that eliminates the problem of 'getting to know each other first'.


I hope that this helped you and I wish you good luck with this.


~ SwingFox ~

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How did you respond to him? If you were like "uhhh, ok..." He might have felt the was your way of rejecting him nicely.. I think that's how he's feeling.. i did that with a girl in 10th grade.. she said "uhhh, ok" and after that i just gave up. Me and her becamse ok friends, but, nothing more. If you like him I suggest you let him know before he gets over you and tries for someone else! I would say he likes you... most people don't joke around too much like that.. least i know i don't.


thanks for your dear advices. My way of responding to him was i asked him who is that girl once more and once again he answered "you" Then he said that he doesn't find the girl pretty but attractive. hm... THEN after that, i reply with an answer : "then that person cannot be me already, who is that lucky gal?" and later on, we just kept mentioning "the girl" as the one he likes.

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