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Telling someone how much you care

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I really like this girl, the problem is that she's shy! And im shy too, my friends and her's literally dragged us together! ive talked to her once or twice but ive had a crush on her for the whole year...tomorrow is the last day and i dont know if i can live if i dont see her in the summer....if i dont see her ill commit suicide, you dont want that happening do you???

anyway, i want to tell this girl how much i care, and that i cant stop thinking about her, i cant study, eat, sleep because im thinking about her..i think ive gone crazy .and i wanna ask her for her phone number so we can keep in touch and maybe go out. I need advice and i need it fast cuz i got one more day!!!

Thanks in advance (hey it rhymes 8) )

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Hey there,


At 14 years old its hard. Do you talk to her normally? If you are looking for a g/f for the summer it may be a bit harder, but either way you will want to hang out with her.


If you know her and talk to her a once and a while, approach her somtime before the end of the day and ask if she and some mutual friends would like to go out to a water park or somthing. Thats a good way to get her number, so you can cooridnate the event.


If you dont talk to her you will have to make your move and get over your shyness. Dont let the oppertunity slip by you. I wouldn't recomend asking her to do somthing just as friends if you are not yet alredy because that may come accross a little off. If you are not yet friends I think you will have to ask her on a date or atleast say somthing like:


Hey, i'd really like to get to know you better over the summer, how about we go do [insert event here].


Good luck!

Let us know how it turns out!

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hi! today i went up to her and told her how much i care for her, i then waited for the slap on my face...but that didnt happen, so i asked for her number and asked her out for a date on this wednesday!!!and she said yes! this is my first date and i hope it gets along well..

i talked to one of her friends and it turned out she liked me but was too afraid/shy to talk to me . a

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That's great for you! Congrats.


Now you will probably have butterflies wondering if you are doing the right thing on your first date.. haha


Just be yourself of course. That's great that life is working out for you. It gives me a little hope in this world.

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Great job tw and it seems that u have took a huge leap over the first hill because just breaking out of that shell of shyness to talk to a girl is the first hard step and one of the hardest it seems like.Look at me im going on 17 and still havent gotten the courage to go up to the one i like but hopefully i will so good luck on your first date and i hope u have a great one i might add and have fun

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