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I don't want to be cruel, but...

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I just talked to my guy friend, and he told me that over the past week he's fallen in love with me. That's AWFUL, because I really loved having him as a friend, but how can I continue to be his friend if I'm afraid that everything I do will make him fall more in love with me?


The best way would be to stop all contact with him, right? Wean him off of me, so to speak? But I can't do that, I love talking to him! Just NOT in that way!


I've told him how I feel, but he has a tendency to still obsess over people even when they don't share the feeling. (He used to be "head over heels in love" with one of my good friends. His words, not mine.)


How can I get him to stop liking me without being cruel? Is it possible for us to stay friends or will that just make him keep thinking of the "us" that will never be?

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I don't think that you should stop contact with him, there is no reason to lose your friendship over this. Although you stated that he tends to be obsessed with people even if they don't share an interest, you have to give him a chance for his feelings to wear off. Continue to be his friend, be there for him in times of need, and if you see that he's acting in a lovey-dovey way (so to speak) kindly but firmly inform him that you only want to be his friend and you'd appreciate it if he could try to stop acting that way as it makes you uncomfortable.

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i argee because you care for him and maybe the great friendship you have has made him feel that you are a catch!


dont stop talking to him as that might really hurt him and the whole friendship will be destroyed and you dont want that.


let things settle down and things will pan out ok.things will seem awkward at first but dont give up on him as things wil return to normal when he gets over it.it happened to me when i asked out my friend and things when a little pear-shaped at the time.we took a little break away from each other and now we are good friends and im no longer embrassed about it.actually we have a laugh about it!


i think it just takes time.


hope ive helped.

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