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Why is it most girls go for the good looking guys

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What you have to understand that for a relationship to work there must be some attraction. Please don't believe me to be shallow, because I certainly am not, but it's only logical to not want to kiss someone whom you believe to be "ugly." It's true that some girls are awfully picky and only wish to date near-models, but it's the same way with some guys. Some people are more obsessed with looks than others, but there is nothing wrong with seeking someone who's physical appearance is attractive. How could you carry on a relationship when you're revolted by the sight of your partner? It just wouldn't work!

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Socially, yes there is. Wow, I'm cruel, I know. But at this age (I'm fifteen), looks are definitely a deciding factor. (30% looks, 60% personality, 10% social status, is how I'd, personally, rank it.)


But there are girls who are less shallow than I am. They might not be the most beautiful girls in the world, but they're the smart ones, and they're the ones that are worth dating, forget the rest.


Bottom Line: Looks DO matter, but if you have a good personality, then you'll find someone who's truly worth your time.

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There needs to be some attraction there. Obviously thats not all that matters. Like if a really good looking guy acted like a jerk, theres no way I would date him. Sometimes it just happens that I have a friend who I don't think is attractive at first, but once I get to know him, I start to get feelings for him & his looks become more attractive to me. That doesn't always happen, but it can. But whats ugly to one person may be very attractive to another. Everyone has their own taste. Me & my friend have completely different taste, all the guys she ever goes after are like not attractive to me at all. So if someone thinks that if they are not all that good looking, that doesn't mean everyone else in the world agrees. It all has to do with taste & opinion.

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Unfortunately, looks are VERY important. In the INITIAL stage, I'd say that it's about 80 percent, with the other 20 being how well you're groomed. It's really the luck of the draw -- and those who are born with good-looking genes will have a better chance of being with a good-looking girl and vice versa. So, if you're below average in the looks department, you'll have to settle for the girls who are on your level. There are some exceptions or offsetting traits, however, than can broaden your appeal: your occupation, your bank account, attitude , and availability. Rock stars, for instance, can be with pretty much any woman regardless of their looks. Also, fame will broaden your appeal ten fold, and make you seem much more desirable than you'd otherwise be. And, if your rich, most girls will want to be with you, even if it unfortunately means just "sex-ploiting" you. If you give off the impression that you're a busy guy and always in demand, the female will see you as a challenge, and will be drawn to you. And, this goes without mentioning, but if you don't have a confident attitude to go along with it, you'll seem "wimpy" in the female's eyes, which is a huge turnoff. If you give the impression that you do NOT care whether she responds positively or not, you'll get far.


It's much easier to draw the opposite sex to you if you're good-looking; for instance, a woman who automatically decides that you're out of her league may never give you a chance to make your other attributes known. However, by being stronger in the other areas (prestigious occupation, great attitude, availability, etc.) you might be able to compensate for your below average looks. You'll just have to keep trying and never quit in your pursuit for that "dream" girl. Although it is rare, some beautiful women have a unique, unconventional taste in men that'll surprise you.


P.S. The type of attitude that most women seem to be drawn to is the "sensitive jerk" disposition. Keep that in mind.

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Well, they might just be being honest... no offense or anything. It is a plausible reason, but probably not the ONLY reason. It might be because she just doesn't want to go out with you for another reason too.


No offense im not ugly and i do have a girlfriend, it just wanted to know why girls or guys prefer good looking people.


Thanks for your advice any way

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In a nutshell, we prefer good-looking people because we innately couple their looks with the idea that they bear good genes, and are thereforeeee more apt and suitable for propagating our offspring. It's natural selection, man.

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I think of looks as something that is pretty important when trying to attract women or get a date, etc. When you do get a date and get to know THEM, then the personality, etc. becomes the major factor and it will most likely be that way for the rest of the time. But that is just my opinion. Well, I'm a guy and I know a lot of people think I'm lying when I say this, but I really do want to get to know any girl regardless of how she looks. I'm friends with this girl that I knew in my high school who was in all kinds of clubs and was very outgoing and seem to have a lot of positive energy, etc. I was really attracted by that and just wanted to meet her.


Think of it this way: when someone 'rejects' you right away or whatever because of your looks, you know that they are not willing to get to know YOU and thereforeeee they are may not be worth it anyway. To some extent it's a win-win situation for you. If the girl gets to know you and realizes how much of a good person she thinks you are, then you know simply that she wanted to get know YOU. Yes, some girls can be shallow. But there are certainly a lot of them who are willing to get to know you first.

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Sure a girl would prefer a good looking guy. Obviously. But thats not to say that average or below average looking guys are out of luck. How many times have you seen the gorgeous model with some guy that makes you say "what is HE doing with her?!" It happens all the time. A lot has to do with factors other than looks. I've known guys that could be models who had NO women because they lacked these other important qualities.

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Dragonslayer, I have a feeling that you aren't as ugly as you feel you are. We all hate looking in the mirror and most of the magazine pictures that we see are airbrushed. We can have a very disjointed view of who we are and how good we look. unfortunately those around you can add to the confusion by backing up your own personal misjudgement for their own selfish reasons.


When I think of someone who is ugly I think of someone with a really mean personality, and unfortunately some of those people are the most attractive in pictures...Also if someone is really unhealthy or angry or undisciplined, those are all qualities that I would call "ugly" as well.


If you feel cheerful and make others happy, I feel that makes you an attractive individual. Don't worry so much.

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LOL no offense but this was a weird question to ask. Looks aren't everything but like others hvae said there has to be some mutual attraction. If you're ugly like me then you have to rely on money (aka nice car, big house, diamonds etc.) to get the girl you want since most women love guys with money and are willing to sacrifice looks to be seen with someone of a rich status. While I make decent money for a new college graduate with a new job (around 34K) it's not enough for these golddiggers out there today.


Since you have a g/f you'r good to go but my advice for others like myself would be to try to do good in college and eventually get a job that pays well and allows you to flaunt your wealth, get plastic surgery, or like me just accept that you've been dealt a crap hand by genetics (or God your choice) and just handle it how you see fit (drugs, alcohol, workaholism etc.) It's a lot easier than sitting around hoping that somehow a miracle will happen and you'll get a g/f. Sorry to be harsh but life isn't a movie where Urkel gets the cute Laura Winslow in the end (horrible analogy but all I could think of at this point).

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Sometimes you have to be patient for the right mix of genes and success to hit you. When we are young, women have all the clout in the relationship as society values younger women. When we are older, men tend to gain more clout in society that outranks the beauty of most women's looks.


So if you are just out of college and you are already doing well for yourself, I can't believe that you can't just snap up any girl that you like.


Many beautiful women tend to remain single for fear that a better guy is always out there. Guys tend to remain single for similar reasons, I suppose. It is a fear of ever settling down with "one" person who turns out not to really be the one for you after all.


I also feel that women who are successful lack the ability to form strong relationships with men who need nurturing, so instead look for guys who are so self interested that they don't really know how to make a relationship last too. Not that there is any simple solution, you just need to remain cognizant of the fact that there are a variety of people out in the world, and try not to be put off by simple defense mechanisms.

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I don't necessarily think that girls usually go for the 'good looking guys.' I think that it has to do more with personal preference. One guy might look attractive to another girl, but he won't necessarily strike off that 'same' attraction with another. It all depends on what each person finds attractive.


Even if we do see a hot looking guy, it doesn't mean that we will automatically like them, or find interest in a romantic relationship with them. I can name off a few attractive guys, like actor Olivier Martinez. I think that he's attractive, but don't personally think that he's my type. He's eye-candy, but I don't think that I could actually fall in love with him. Looks are just looks. The bond is more important. We can find a halfway decent guy to be more attractive than hot looking model type of guys. I think that as women fall in love with their partners, they tend to find them more attractive.

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It can be chemical as well,

I was watching some program on tv and it explained how sometimes people pick up on "vibes" like they can almost determine whether or not they'll like that person before even talkign to them lol. It was very interesting, that and what MVP said before was true too... that sometimes we do want the good looking ones because it USUALLY creates beautiful looking children who look healthy and perfect in a sense and people seem to want to have that. THAT and also because people dream for that beautiful looking person because they can kind of show off to everyone else that they have this great looking person and so they could be jealous. There's other reasons too, being judgemental is another. I mean really I've heard people question all the time the reliability and integrity of a 39 year old with pink hair, tattoos, piercings and wearing coloured stockings assuming that because they wear that and have that look that they can't be trusted to do the job right or what have you.


So sometimes people just prefer the beautiful person because physical attraction can typically is a great contributing factor for actraction and although some people think its bullcrap, scientifically it can be shown to be the whole beautiful person, beautiful children thing. Having the best of the best almost. I dunno?

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I guess the 'chemical' thing is true too. I think that it's a combo of looks and certain vibes that women get from different men. Looks do matter, to a certain extent. I'd have to at least find my mate attractive. I'd say for me it's 35% emotional, 30% mental, 25% physical, 10% spiritual. But, the chemical theory is true too. I think that it has a lot to do with levels of the hormone oxytocin, and what qualities trigger women to find one guy more attractive over the other. It's really hard to pinpoint. It's really subjective.


DAVO11, make sure that a lady loves you for you, regardless of how attractive you are, or how much money you make, your credentials, etc. When we're all old n' grey, we'll all be wrinkly anyway. Our personal happiness is what matters most. So if someone's not accepting you for whatever reason, may it be lack of money, social status, even if you do have the looks, whatever it is, then they're not worth your time. Hope this helps.

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The answer to the Q is obvious. U wouldn't go for a girl u didnt find attractive.


But we all have different tastes, so theres someone out there for everyone.


I think my ex is gorgeous, yet I don't think many of my friends agree that she is. But to me, she has that spark. I dont know what it is, but its something. I quite like the way that i liked her and knew not every guy would drool at the sight of her. Of course, there were still many men drooling over her on nights out , but they obviously can see what i see in her.

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Well before I go to the question at hand, I am going to give the low self-esteem guys some confidence (and don't worry I happen to be one of them). I'm ugly. I don't care anymore, but I used to. I am 20 years old, only 5'4'' tall, only 132 lbs, and I have an acne problem. But guess what? I have a girlfriend who thinks I am the sexist thing around. What I am trying to say is looks are a matter of opinion. But sadly there are some people in which the majority of females would say he's cute and some in which the majoirty of females would say EWWW! Just remember, there is an exception to every rule. So to all of you "ugly" guys, just know this my friends. Your time will come. It took me 19 years to find the one and she just doesn't love me for looks. I know I went off the subject so let me fill in my two cents on the topic here....


I don't mean to sound like a stereotypist or anything like that but the MAJORITY of women only search for HOT or CUTE guys. Even more say they are looking for a nice guy as well. Yet they wind up with a really hot, but mean type of guy. Now that's not to say all hot guys are bad. It just says those who are SOMETIMES see that as an advantage to use women, and sorry to say...they fall for it. The one thing we have to realize is that looks are not everything. Sure I wouldn't go with a girl I feel is unattractive but I would still respect her and be a really good friend. But being so hung up on looks is just wrong. What about OKAY looking guys? I'd go with an OKAY looking girl as long as she's nice and intelligent. We just have to be a little more open minded about choosing our partners. However, I don't need to talk, PERSONALITY is a big thing with me.....and if it is screwed up, forget it. Hope I made any sense, I'm rather tired.....LOL!

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Sorry, Outlaw, but although you weren't trying to stereotype, that's just what you did! Just cause the majority of the girls YOU may have come accross do that, doesn'y mean the majority of ALL girls do that! And besides, that stereotype can't even be used!!! Everyone's version of what's hott is different. It's a matter of opinion! There are a ton of girls who think Usher is hott, and yes, he is good looking... but I think there are plenty of guys who are hotter than he is! For example... I think Keith Urban is a lot hotter than Usher!

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I may be talking to the wrong audience here, but it seems to me that most people want someone who is nice to hang around and spend time with, whether they are constantly engaged in hot and racie sex or not, don't we all deep down want someone who is nice, or is that called "settling"?


Don't we all feel like we are settling in any relationship??


Some folks have trouble relating to that, I think it is genuine human nature to search out a new mate when one feels that one is unattached or is not having one's needs met. Whether the new mate meets our needs any better than the old one is left up to debate. That is the reason that we stay in ok relationships or leave soso lovers, we always want the best that we can have, we don't want to feel as though we have settled.


It is all a frame of mind. It includes being honest with yourself.

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Everyone's version of what's hott is different. It's a matter of opinion!


That is correct. But no matter what the idea of HOT is to an individual, the point is most of these girl look for HOT guys. That is their mindset, at least in a young life. He is either HOT or an @$$&*(^. And a more accurate example of a stereotype is if I had said....ALL GIRLS want hot guys. But I am smart enough to know that isn't true. I will admit alot of guys talk about HOT girls, with nice breasts and big butts and whatever. They are just as shallow as the girls and there is fault in that. But anyways....it is true MOST girls want hot guys. Go to a club, or a chat room, or a mall and watch all the females (at least in their teens or early 20's) drool and giggle about how hot the guy at the sneaker store is. And just as likely, watch all the guys talk about how hot the girl at Modell's is.


The point I am trying to clarify is NO ONE should be so hung up on looks. Give the OKAY looking people a chance!

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