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I cant stop thinking about her

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I would see this girl everyday at school and I dident know who she was but I noticed that she was extremely beautiful and that she was in my cycle. I got her Screen Name from a friend and started talking to her I was in one of her classes at the time so she knew who i was but dident know me. So in February I asked her out online, she said that she would want to get to know me better, and then after that she never let me know and I grew tired of waiting and my patience grew short, I have got to know her online but not in person because, everytime I would see her in the halls between classes I could just never have the guts to say Hi. Because of course I dident want to be rejected. So I said I have to do this and I started saying Hi alot to her but there was never any kind of conversation she would just keep walking. Then I reminded her that I asked her out a few months ago and I really cant remember what she said but of course she seemed like she dident want to have anything to do with me. THen at the school dance it was SOO hard to say Hi because all of her friends were around. Then I finally said Hi, prior to that i asked her to dance (which was not so smart because Im not so good at dancing) but she dident say anything and grabbed my hand and started dancing with me I was shocked. THen the slow songs started and she was like someone dance with someone dance with and I just couldent do it, I couldent ask her to dance because i dident want to fell like I was annoying her and all her friends were like ask her to dance or leave whihc made me so uncomfortable. Until I finally just walked away and for the rest of the night I felt like such a jerk because maybe she actually wanted to dance with me. And now its a day later and I cant get her off my mind and now shes going to a diffrent high school from me next year, someone please help me

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well trust me when i say if she was the one to come up to you and want to dance then she really did. and you wouldn't have annoyed her. Um i think that if you two can get to know eachother on the web then you should be able to in person. it is diff at first and you may be nervouis but after a bit you should be okay. i mean if you cant go say hi then how will you be able to go on a date? i think you are good to go in the talking to her and going out department if you just start talking, i think she is interested in you, if she wasn't she wouldn't have agreed to getting to know you or wouldn' t have wanted to dance with you. so you got her in my opinion, now you just need to be yourself and go for it.

good luck,

love QTpie87

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im new here, but i agree with QTpie87 you should try and get to know her better, if you can talk to her online then im sure you could do it face to face.


Just have a bit of faith in your self and you should do great, i hope all the best for you mate and dont leave it to late, like i did.

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Whoa... she GRABBED YOUR HAND?? And you still have DOUBTS? You are one strange child.


Try to be a little more confident. Confidence is hard, I know, it needs to be cultivated, but it's important. And worth it.


And, heh, she's going to a different HS next year? That's actually sort of awesome, because if you do something rash on the last day of school, then it won't carry over. Unlike me, I did something rash on the last day of eighth grade and it still haunts me everytime I see him...


Send her a note, if you need to. You've talked to her online, so you're probably more comfortable with the written word vs verbal anyway.

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