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Starting to think a girl at work likes me

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So as the title says I'm starting to think that one of my female colleagues likes me. Now I'm engaged and would never cheat on my fiancé. But I'm starting to worry that this coworker may try to make her feelings known to me, in which case I'm not sure how I should Firmly turn her down, while at the same time not crush her. I'm really hoping she won't as she knows I'm engaged and hopefully isn't one to pursue someone whose attached, but you never know how people can be. I have no problem being friendly with her at work but lately I have been starting to think that she wants more from me. She has been calling more frequnetly while we are at work and is alot of times trying to spend time alone with me in my office which does make me a little uncomfortable. Anyone who has been in my situation before it would be really helpful if you could share how you dealt with it.

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Start talking about your fiance during your conversations. It sends the message that you are unavailable.


i agree. sneak it in here or there like if she asks what you are doing on the weekend, tell her you and your fiance are doing some wedding planning things, or you and her are going for a bike ride and you are really looking forward to it. if she's in your office, you can also tell her you're sorry, but have to get back to work and finish xxxxx before 5 PM or whatnot.

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Agreed. I do talk about my fiancé often when this girl talks to me and I have picked up on the vibe that she doesn't like hearing about my fiancé, sometimes she even tries to change the subject. The funny thing is that I've known this person for several years now and she never showed the slightest bit of interest until I met my now fiancé, and especially since I've been engaged. Although she has never been someone I have been interested in, even when I was single, it's still just funny how sometimes people suddenly want what they know they can't have.

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