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My heart is beating and is so pure of pain,

electricity flowing sparks flying we are one,

I feel you close to me even when your far,

There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Mind body and soul I love you,

No words can express what you mean to me,

Fire blazing deep in my soul,

No water can put it out no matter how blue.


Slowly gazing to the stars that remind me

Sparkling high above everything

Wishing loving and hoping

Sitting on the beach our love goes deeper then the sea.


Feelings of you gone would hurt me so

As my heart and yours beats as one

Powerful happiness and joy all around me

Only you and I both know.


As you gently touch my face and whisper in my ear,

I feel the heat I feel the love

I place my hand on your chest and feel your heart beat,

As I look into your eyes I begin to tear.


As the sun rises so do we,

Holding eachother all night in ecstasy,

The feeling of never letting go,

This is how it is supose to be.


I dont know if u can undestand this but please post how you think this sounds thanks

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