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there is this girl at my school we talk like were good friends on msn and she even told me that she likes me, AND I REALLY LIKE HER TO we talk alot on msn but at school we hardly talk because she is with her friends i need tips on what i can talk about when she is with her 2 outher friends she likes me but i dont know what to talk about CAN U PLEASE HELP ME SOMEBODY ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! please write somthing to help me anything will help thay u sooo much

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dont worry about it i had exactly the same problem now im fine with speeking to her. all you need to do is realx stay calm try and maybe pick up on what you talked about on msn. but just relax think of her as one of your best mates who you talk to all the time. and if that dont work it will get better with time like it did with me

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a good idea, would to be certain that she likes you (the love way) and not likes you (the friends way).


either is good, but if you really love her, like you do (as far as I can read).


then you gotta let her know.


And if she then, says that she likes you the friends way.. then if nothing else.. you will still have her around caring for you as a friend.

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Learn about soemthings that her friends talk about. If it is the latest episode of a TV show, watch it religiously. If it is somethign at school, learn about it, do it, whatever.


People want to talk about the things that interest them. So her and her friends talk about what interests them, learn about it to break into the conversation.

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I know exactly how you feel because almost anyone passes through such experiences, and which is absolutely normal. Getting to the point, there is something you must consider(this works for almost anything):


When you do your homework and study for your tests, you get good grades at school. Right ????? ( I know I sound off topic)


Well, there is homework for EVERYTHING. Except that the difference between school homework and other homeworks is that we are asked to do our school homework where as other homeworks require our own interest and effort.


Try reading through free ebooks offered on the net about relationships and communication. The books don`t have to aim directly at what you seek(Ex: What to talk when tongue tied) such questions have no answer, just try to develop standard communication skills such as learning how to listen and how to show that you are listening. And other stuff. Even if it doesn`t hit your aim, you will still sound and look proffesional to whom you are interested in because just as energy and matter is conserved in physics, the effort you have put in hours of reading about communication will not vanish, but will pay off in your conversation. Try begging with this free workbook, this one helped me the most: link removed Download the whole .pdf version for easier use. Furthermore, when you practice your mind to such issues by reading, you will develop a sense of confidence which will help you take the first step.


Btw, an important thing you have to know is that this matter requires time and effort. You can`t gain skills overnight, or through a weekend, but you need to months of intense practice to start to master such skills, just as playing football or basketball or any other activity that requires time to be mastered.


I know this is too long, but its the basic for anything you need to succeed in.


Hope you'll consider what I have been writing for the last 15 minutes, and start by reading out books about the matter. I would be gratefull for further help.

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The first thing you need to do is relax. Everyone has gone through these things. No one can tell you exaactly what to talk about because each person likes to talk about different things.


So when you are around her just be yourself. talk about whatever you would talk about with any of your other friends. Peoploe at school, movies, TV shows, anything. Just act natural, dont talk about anything that you wouldnt normally talk about with anyone else. Just be calm and you will do fine.


Good Luck.

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