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Is this guy shy? Is he interested? Please help!


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ok so on the first week of second semester i was walking in the hall and i just happened to look behind me as this boy passed and i saw him point at me and i heard him say "thats her." i just thought what the heck and didnt think nothing of it.. then about another week or so into the semester i got up to ask the teacher her opinion on my art work or something and i was waiting for her at her desk and the same boy came up behind me and said "How are you doing today mame?" and then i said " uhm.. good" ... then he said "thats good" and then i asked the teacher about my work and i hurried back to my desk and he looked at my work and said "thats really good" and i didnt reply cuz i was freaked out for some reason... then like 5 mins later i heard him and his friend talking... his friend "go over and talk to her " and he said something like " i will wait till she gets up again" and cuz i was freaked i didnt get up again... then in art class we were doing this blind contour drawing thing and i was drawing my fist and while i was drawing it he said "your really concentrating there" and i said "yeah.." i was so nervous cuz i was trying to be calm that i looked down and he said " your not suppose to look at it" and then stupidly i said " The teacher said we could look once or twice" i felt dumb cuz after i realized that she said that for moderate contour drawing.... then once I had finished he came over and said something like, “Lets see”, then he said “wow” LMAO cuz the fist I had drawn looked like sausages or something Then like 30 mins later him and his friend were standing up diagonal of me and him and his friend were whispering something and his friend gave him a little push (it seemed like it was towards me).. and then he pushed him back and the teacher said " boys settle down" Then on tues feb 16th we were doing still life and my group did a cowboy hat.. and then after we looked around at everyones and i came and sat back down and he came around and said " thats a sick hat" i said "yea(laugh; like a chuckle) then he said " im assuming its a hat" then i said "yea it is (chuckles)" then he did a little chuckle. then on wed or thursday 17th or 18th my friends kept saying to talk to him so i got up some courage (LOL) and went over to the group three people one was him and asked "do any of you guys have a pencil i could use?".. and then he said " there's like 1000 over there" but he said it calmly.. then i said "oh ok" ... i thought well that was embarrassing .. then last thursday March 4th i was over at the counter dumping the water out of my cup and washing the paint brush and then he came over and dumped the water out of his cup and then he said " so how are you today ?" and i said "im good" and he said " thats good " and i said "yup" (LOL) and then like 1 min later i needed paper towel and he was in front of it so i said nicely "excuse me" and he moved over. I also notice him looking at me but once i look he looks away quickly.. and on monday i asked a friend if she could ask his friend who he likes and she said that his friend said that he liked a girl from a different school... LOL Then Thursday March 11th 2010 he walked over to the closet behind me in class and when he walked back he rubbed against my chair. Then at the end of class he walked out before me and then i looked to the left to see him and he looked back too xD.


Is he interested?

or just joking around?

He is 16 and I'm 15.

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It sounds to me like he is just being friendly and talking to you because...well, you're there and in the same class. If he said he likes a girl from a different school, then he probably doesn't like you. I'm in college and I talk to guys all the time. You'll know when a guy likes you, and even sometimes when you think they do, they don't. I'm in a funky situation with a guy right now and we've done more than just the things you've talked about. He's taken me out, payed for me, texted me like it was a date afterwards to tell me he had fun and wants to do it again, only to tell me flat out that he doesn't like me like that on facebook IM. The best way to find out is to ask him, but when I was your age, I did NOT have the guts to AT ALL. I also needed a guy to talk to me a lot before I would have the courage to do that. Like, in person, or through text or anything, to show that he really DOES want at least my friendship. It's only then that I would feel comfortable enough baring my soul to a guy. I don't know if any of this is making any sense. Do you know his name or anything? You could try and see if he has a myspace or facebook and see if he will talk to you on there. In my experience, guys who don't talk to me probably don't like me. Then again, in my experience, guys who talk to me all the time don't like me either. You could always just be friends, though. (That sucks, too, though, when you like someone and they don't like you back). Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with this guy OP.

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Your experience sounds out of the ordinary and not applicable


OP it's pretty obvious he likes you. Time to reciprocate the interest.


I agree with you Atrium. The experience did sound out of the ordinary.


To you OP, he may be a little bit shy. Don't give up hope with this guy unless you see otherwise.

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I agree with you Atrium. The experience did sound out of the ordinary.


To you OP, he may be a little bit shy. Don't give up hope with this guy unless you see otherwise.


It wasn't necessarily a date, though. He didn't ask me out like on an official date. We showed up at school, our class was canceled and he wanted to go get coffee. So, he drove, payed, and texted me after school to tell me he had fun and wants to do it again and that our teacher should cancel class more. Sounds like a guy that likes a girl, doesn't it? Then when I brought up that maybe he should date me, he said "I don't like you like that". Over facebook IM. Great, huh? It WAS out of the ordinary, and is STILL out of the ordinary. He still talks to me ALL the time like we're best buddies...


HOWEVER... OP is only 15 and the guy she is talking about is only 16. I had experiences with guys I knew from church/work etc. like that in high school all the time. It never meant they liked me, it just meant they were being friendly. There really is no way to tell unless he flat out tells you, "Hey, I like you, do want to go out with me sometime?" Until a guy does that, you can't really read their minds. You could always be forward and ask him out, but be prepared for rejection. If he doesn't reject you, then great! You can't read his mind, though.


I may have just had some pretty bad experiences with all the guys I pick to like, and still am having bad experiences at 25, but I also know that when a guy likes you, he'll want to be around you and want to spend time with you. He won't be shy (even if he is shy) he'll get over it if he REALLY likes you and he'll pursue you. It sounds like it's too early to tell and again, I repeat...OP is only 15 and the guy is only 16. She's a little young to be really worrying about this kind of stuff. I'm 25, and I'M still too young to be really worrying about this kind of stuff. I do, though. It's only natural. Just don't stress out about it too much. If he likes you, you'll know. You won't have to come onto a relationship advice forum and ask.

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What I WOULD do is flirt with him, as much as you can. This can take some practice, too. lol What you're doing now is fine. Talk to him when you can, and if you ever get the chance, maybe playfully brush his arm or something. I did that to the guy I went to coffee with (the one who doesn't like me), he made fun of me, so I playfully smacked him on the arm. Now, I won't be doing that again, not since he told me he doesn't like me, but this guy hasn't told you anything. So flirt, flirt, flirt! lol

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What I WOULD do is flirt with him, as much as you can. This can take some practice, too. lol What you're doing now is fine. Talk to him when you can, and if you ever get the chance, maybe playfully brush his arm or something. I did that to the guy I went to coffee with (the one who doesn't like me), he made fun of me, so I playfully smacked him on the arm. Now, I won't be doing that again, not since he told me he doesn't like me, but this guy hasn't told you anything. So flirt, flirt, flirt! lol

ahaha im not really a flirting expert

Do you have any starter tips xD lol

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I already gave you a few starter tips lol find excuses to touch him, like pick lint off his shirt/sweater or something, or if he makes fun of you, smack him (playfully) lol don't really know what else to suggest. I'm not a flirting expert, either!

lol thanks, but im really shy so that is sort of over whelming for me to do

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