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What does this poem mean?


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Champagne dreams of a life once lost haunt my every thoughts. A life once lost worlds ago, and a love that's gone beyond the heavens fingers reach. The light that pierces through my being tells of sins never seen or known. Where and when I wandered and failed to wonder I could not say.

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First I am going to assume that the character is a girl in the poem, just because I feel like it.

I think the first sentence means she is thinking about the life she could have had and she is doing it while drunk. In the second sentence, I think she is saying that she regrets not following the other path, s would have had a better and more happy life. She is in love, and no power on earth or not on earth can change it. The light sentence, is saying that her sins are catching up with her, and her life has had some pretty bad horrors. Then the poem ends with her wondering what she did wrong, and thinking about lost oppurtunities. Thats my interpretation, because I can't really get a voice or message out of the writing.

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the first line does not mean hes(I think its a guy) drunk, the champagne reference has more to do with a bubbly and intoxicating life. A life he left behind at somepoint and is currently very sad about. the second line he is talking about the person this life would have been spent with. Line three: Hindsight is 20/20 as they say. hes defining the clarity with which he is now able to see what he lost and the fact that he can never have it back. and the last line he is talking about when he lost it all and how he doesnt know how or when he did, its slipped away from him and he never even noticed, until now of course.


It is poem so we will all read into it differently.

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hmmm... i like this poem, because it can mean so many different things. To me, I see it as almost a loss of innocence. She is no longer seeing the world in a steady, wonderful, everything is for a reason type of way. And it hurts her to realize the truth. The truth of all the sin in the world, and how things are not as "fluffy" as she thought they were. I think the last line is showing how this realization did not just come to her one day, but she has been slowly learning it throughout her dreamy life, until finally she woke up.

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For me, I don't see champagne as a reference to alcohol at all, but rather as a bit of imagery in describing the purity of the dreams. The dreams may have been intoxicating, but I think it also means that the dreams are golden and sparkling LIKE champagne in retrospect. Since the character misses the life he once had, all that's left are dreams. And those dreams hold so much value now that nothing is left, that they seem golden.


I agree, that it could be about innocence lost, but I'm thinking it's rather about a total change in life. The reference to champagne doesn't convey as much innocence as it's a symbol that implies more maturity. I'm seeing this as an adult who lost the world and yet still lives to be haunted by what once was. It's a loss of happiness, of love, of everything that made this person's life complete. It was a loss of complete and total structure.



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