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My sister passed away suddenly last week....

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My sister passed away last Thursday, suddenly. It's been SO hard to deal with. Now, to top it off, I've found out that my "boyfriend" has been spreading vicious lies about me (says I won't let him see his "kids", which are actually his ex-wife's kids, NOT his.....and I haven't kept him from seeing them). My heart is so heavy now that I don't know what to deal. My sister was the only family I have in the state I live in other than my daughter and her kids. I have noone to talk to or grieve with and it's just too hard. My oldest son passed away 5 years ago, and I still haven't gotten over that, either. Any suggestions on POSITIVE things I can do to bring myself back up?

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I'm very sorry to hear about both of your losses. That is a lot to bear. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through right now. Just know that they're in a better place, your sister is looking over your son and they're both watching over you now at peace.


Have you sought counseling of any sort?

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