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sum1 plz help me i want my ex back bad

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Me and my girlfriend just broke up after 3 months of a wonderful relationship. What I don't get is that the reason of the break-up was that she started having feelings for my good friend (they went out for 2 years). I really want her back and it's only been 1 day since we broke up. Right now she's st school so I have plenty of time to think because I'm suspended because i got into a fight because some kid was making fun of her. SUM1 PLZ HELP ME!

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Thanks for the reply, Ash. I know you are right about this, and I agree with you that this is probably right for her to do now, but I still can't help but feel hurt and have doubts.


I feel as though I am handling this the best I can so far to keep my future options open with her, but at the same time she is telling me to call her she sends me a letter explaining that right now having space and being with her friends is the most important thing in her life -- it is a completely mixed message.


I kind of want to tell her, considering she has asked me twice to call her sometime, that I am not calling her because she is the one who wanted the space (not tell her like that exactly, but the same gist) -- this is probably a bad idea though, huh? I am just trying to tread that super fine line of being upbeat, relaxed, fun, non-serious, confident, getting on with my life vibe while not sending a discouraging message to her, especially right now, because I definitely want to be in a good situation when she moves out of her college situation (but then again, I don't want to be the fish on the end of the hook that she can pull back any time by asking to call -- I think that that could have deleterious consequences as well, no?).



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