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Ok, Finally got back out into the dating world and met a really nice girl. She asked me out pretty much straight away, we talked and texted all week leading up to the date (usually initiated by her). We had the date, got on really well and both had a really good time... resulting in a long good night kiss. I get a phonecall the next day saying how good a time she had and wants to meet up this week. Now shes a busy girl, two jobs + other commitments... long story short she phoned me to say she wouldn't be able to make the date (3 days in advance) due to one of her commitments requiring more time than expected. Now, she texts me most mornings and carries on the texting throughout the day and on two occasions I've asked about rescheduling, the first time she said that she has a nightmare of a month ahead and will have to work out when shes free so I left the issue and we carried on talking about other things. The next day after many texts I asked again but the issue was skirted around.


Now, i'm sorry to bother you guys with such a trivial thing but I'm confused! Its been a long time since i've dated and I dont really understand... I've just carried on talking about other things and not re-raised the question but anyone have any ideas whats could be going on...? Am I getting the brush off and not realising or what??? ](*,)

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