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How do you know if your Really in Love?

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How do you know if you are Really in Love?

Good question ain't it?


Im looking for opinions on how you know if your REALLY in love.

I know that love cannot be described but we all have opinions about that and i would like to know em, if you people dont mind


Anywayz my opionions on how you know that your really in love are:


-When you enjoy the simple fact of just hanging out with that person.

-When you find yourself thinking of the person whenever your not with him/her.

-Whenever that person feels happy you feel happy too.

-With just the fact of looking him/her in the eyes or thinking of, you feel a great feeling all over you.


Well this are some of mine, i would like what ya all have to say, take care everyone, cya

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I would add these:



-When you stop and realize you honestly want to spend the rest of your life with that person..you see your future together and he/she is in it..you see yourself raising a family..


-When you wanna do everything you can to take care of that person and be there for them through as the vows say "Til death do us part"..



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You feel it inside... I don't know if I'm the only one, but I have this feeling everytime I think of him even though we split.


When you talk to them or just think of them you have the biggest smile on your face alive. I've been victim to this one.


They make you feel complete, as if you didn't have to do more with your life, you have them and that's all that matters.


When they say I love you to you, you just melt.


You have dreams of them. Either it's just them, your future, spending time with them. They're in your dreams and you think of them as soon as you wake.


You see your future in their eyes ( or just being around them ) and can honestly see yourself spending 'till death do you part' with them and no one else but them.


Wow I could go on but I think you get the idea.

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I have many thoughts on what love is, my goal in life is find out what causes it. Love is when you care about someone. You care about what they do, how they feel, their decisions in life, and what happens to them. If you really love someone then you can never forget about them, and you will ALWAYS care about them. NiftySwifty has an awesome quote, and I think it goes something like this. "Love never fails. If it does, it was never really love to begin with." That is just goes to show that if you really love someone, then there is no way you can fail. Any decision that they make is their decision, and when you care about them, you accept that. You can try to change their views on the subject, but in the end, it will always be what they think. There is a big problem with the word love these days. Love will always be mutual, and in my opinion some people don't get that. I'm not saying I'm, right, I am just saying my thoughts on this matter. There is no way to really love someone when they don't love you.

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Logic says everything in this world has a cause and an effect. True Love is the only feeling which is its own cause and its own effect. It is something illogical and yet above all logic. I Love her because I Love her, and I Love her so I Love her. - Prateek Kumar Singh

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Not sure where I found this... but I think soulmate and true love go hand in hand in their own regard. Anyways, I have to agree with the following.


A soulmate is like a best friend, but more. The one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. Someone who makes you a better person. Actually, they don't make you a better person. You do that yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone that you carry with you forever. The one person who knew you and believed in you and accepted you before anyone else did or anyone else would. And no matter what happens you will always love them. Nothing ever will change that, nothing ever will.


I've always found it funny how words fit to the feelings and the feeling to the words.

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well for me I knew I was in love the first time I asked myself, "Are you in love with him?" Once I asked the question - my friends knew I was a goner. Furthermore, once I though about it, one day I was talking to my friend, and I said, "I love him." It just came out - blurting it out = sure sign of love.


Sadly, he doesn't love me. However, it is cool because if I ever fall in love again I can identify it.

--Forever the optimist!

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I've only been in love once, which is the relationship I am currently in. I've been in two other serious relationships, each lasting over 2 years. I thought it was love, but it never was. In my opinion, when you find "real love", you just know it.


I just knew one day, about three months into our relationship. I had always been so strong in my other relationships, and in this one, I just felt totally surrendered, like if I never saw him again I would be absolutely devastated.


You have to experience sub-par relationships and have other mates before you can know what really is "love". Well, that's what I think anyways!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've only been in love once, after being in 2 very serious relationships that lasted around 2 years each (lol, weird coincidence) - I'd told myself I was in love with the 2 long-term boyfriends before, but I never really was.


It's true, you do know when you're in love. You can't question it. Go look at the "What is love?" topic, there are some great things in there.

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Lol, found it... this is what I said in the "What is love?" topic:


"Love is a miracle. When you're in love, everything about that person is a miracle. Every expression on their face, every breath you feel upon your skin, every word they speak... it's all a miracle. An indescribable perfection that means the world to you. They could be yelling abuse at you, and every word they're saying, no matter how hurtful, seems somehow beautiful when it comes from their lips. Everything about them is a dream come true. Every time they smile, you tingle. They're always on your mind and just the thought of their scent or their laugh is enough to give you butterflies. They can be everything BUT perfect, yet they are perfect in your eyes. They can be as far as you can get from a good thing but, to you, they are a miracle."


That, to me, is love - if you feel that, you're probably in love, but you DO know when you're in love. Also, you never feel completely down. And you can feel COMPLETELY happy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

love. the one topic that has had countless books, songs, n movies as its theme. yet nobody can completely encompass what 'love is' it means a different thing to every different person. to me, love is not being able to get a person out of your mind no matter how hard you try.


shedding tears of happiness. sometimes just smiling even when youre simply talking on the phone or chatting online. knowing a persons flaws and feeling closer to them because/despite them.


feeling a burst of emotion that nobody can describe correctly. that is what love is to me.

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Love is one of those things thats personal nobody else can tell you that you love another person. Love is an emotion that people create to solidify a bond with another person. Love is what you want it to be, thats why you will find many different opinions about what love is or how you know your in love.

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