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this will hopefully be my last post before i make a move on the girl that i like - HOPEFULLY-

Weve established HOW to make a move and im fine with all the advice - good advice by the way - that was given to me but the only variable here is WHEN to make a move. Im confident that i CAN make a move but WHEN would be the best time to do so?


Thanks in advance!


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Try stopping her after one of your classes with her and make the move. Or catch her at lunch when she's alone. Or when you are in class, ask her if she has a minute after class to talk for a sec. I wouldn't reccommend a note or anything like that. A personal, eye to eye contact is better. Good luck

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Hey Mike,


I don't have additional advice for you. Mermayd made some very good suggestions, but I did want to tell you to make it happen! It's all about you and finally you ARE getting an answer to your questions now. I know you can do it and I know you will. Just promise us this: keep us posted!!


Good luck and lots of strength wishes you,


~ SwingFox ~

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Hi Mike,


A few rules to follow:


1. Approach her only when she is alone. Talking to her with her friends around might arouse some teasing, something you don't want as yet.


2. Study her mood before doing so. If she is sulking, or her face is blacker than the Vader's toosh, then refrain from making your move.


3. Make sure u are looking presentable that day. If you look like a bus just ran over you and your hair is in a mess, make the necessary amendments.


Hope that I have helped. Key ingredient required here : CONFIDENCE.



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