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what attracts you?

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i like girls who pretty much take charge and do everything so i never have to make a fool of myself. pretty much constantly showing affection and extra-clinginess is good for me.


my problem however, is being scared of being this person to someone who doesnt like me so im afraid to show any affection at all.

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i like a guy who can make me laugh and make me feel good about myself. someone who has a big heart and want to share it with me. someone who excepts me for who i am and not for what i have. i love a big smile and a warm heart. being a cutie can help a lil but looks are only skin deep. always remember that.

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i like a girl who smiles.it may seem really simple and obvious but if u pay attention for five minutes to the publicisnt a girl 10x as much pretty and attractive if a girl smiles?!yesterday,i saw a really pretty girl but she didnt smile.


anyway,when i get to know the girl,i like a caring type of girl who is sweet,sexy and almost embrassed(look really cute then hehe)


its very obvious to me if i like a girl or not.theres just something wrong or right about a girl.to me its instant.

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Hi WaitForever, I love topics like these!


"what kind/type of guy or girl are you most attracted to at first when you first see them?"

'Iniitial Connection'- For me at least. I'm not talking about all physical or anything, but it's that initial, instant bond. When we meet, and just click like that. I think that it's more like our sense of humor, emotions, and personalites just all run in sync. It could be that oppossites attract, or that we share some kind of similar personality/bond. It's unexplainable. The chemsitry's either there, or it's not.


Other than Instant Connection: As a general rule of thumb, the guys attract me most are guys who are self-confident. When I say 'Confident,' I don't mean cocky! There's a BIG difference. To me, when a guy is: Confident- he knows what he wants in life. He's grounded, knows who he is, and tends to be 'humble.' I've met some guys who are physically attractive, smart, and financially well-to-do, but don't boast about it. They're down to earth. Whereas, Cockyness- is when a guy has to brag about being a certain way. They either brag about: machoness, having certain credentials, how much money they have, and/or how many women they attract on a daily basis.


Cockyness shows weakness. I want a guy who's proud of who he is, and doesn't need to boast. A humble person doesn't need to brag. Instead, they just are the way that they are, because they're confident and comfortable with just being themselves. Humbleness is also what 'initially,' really attracts me to a guy.



"and what keeps you interested in him or her?"

Honesty- I don't like it when a guy lies. Most women are keen about their instincts, so they intuitively know when a guy lies. They might not be able to clearly point things out, but they just somehow know. That's where the 'comfort level either' builds up, or falls apart. If the both of us continually bond, and show our interest and honesty, then that's what keeps me interested.


Passion- If we click like that, and crack up all of the time, and if we're passionate about each other. Doing fun things together: keeping the romance alive. I.E.-Fun activitiies, archades, dancing, you know, things that keep us feeling young, and finding interest in each other. When I mean 'passionate,' I don't mean just finding each other physically appealing, but everything else: such as emotions, and mental attraction.


Differences- If he's independent, and has his own set of interests. If a guy's got different hobbies, or extracurricular activities, does it on his own, and then comes home to me, and invites me to take part in it, I think that's fun & cute. It's nice to know if my man's into other things, and has his 'own' life. When a guy and I share too many similar hobbies, then it becomes bland, because we're always together. Nothing's wrong with that, but sometimes, the relationship can become bland, if we're dong the 'same old thing.' Nothing's wrong with that, but it just becomes a ritual, and I dislike monotony. When a guy's got his own set of interests, and invites me to learn, and take part in his life, I'm intrigued, because 'differences' is what adds to the 'uniquessness' of the relationship.


Similarities- if we share similar interests, it's not as bad either. A combo of both is important. If a couple's too similar, the passion becomes repititive, for me at least, then there isn't really much interest to build onto the relationship. However, having similar values, morals, life goals, etc. is crucial to the relationship, in a sense that it helps to 'bind' us together in the long run. Meaning, if a couple doesn't share a common set of 'life-values', then chances are, they might grow apart.



"is there a type of personality or trait that makes you want them?"

Humbleness/Confidence/Sweetness- again, not cockyness. His actions, and the little things that he says or does, is what helps me to find him more attractive.


If my dream guy goes on his merry way in life, does what he does, lives life with humbleness, respects others, and enjoys himself, then that's the personality that's captivating. If a guy is confident and is nice in general, especially to people that he doesn't need to, then that's a real turn-on. For instance, if he's nice to waiters or waitresses (who appear to be struggling), and keeps that cool-headed, polite, or friendly attitude, and slips in a good tip, that's my muchismo right there! A hot guy (personal preference, hotness is different for each person), who knows how to respect people, and has a good heart is my Mister Fabio! What a cheesemelt O More importantly, he has to do it from his heart. He shouldn't do it to impress. The more I get to know him, and the more I respect him, the more I will continue to find him attractive.


I hope that everything will fall into place for everyone! I think that for the most part, it's that 'bond' that keeps us attracted and interested.



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What attracts me to a guy..


Basic guidlines for physical attractivness: Usually tall, dark, and handsome lol. I guess that is my stereotypical ideall but I do find so many other things attractive.


Other then that: A guy that keeps his head up. He isn't slouching all over the place with his eyes to the ground, and he seems to be a momma's boy. Also, if I find out that he irons his own clothes, cooks his own food, or something of that nature.. that is also every attractive. I don't need to be his mother! Also, a nice, warm smile is really attactive.. and a sense of self.


*sighs dreamily*


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The first thing that attracts me to a guy is their smile. Not the way it looks but if they actually smile a lot. If they're a major smiler it makes my heart go thump-a-thump-thump. LOL! Another thing that makes me attracted to them is their ability to make me laugh. I am attracted to a guy that doesn't care who is around when he's popping funny jokes or crazy antics. I'm all about the clowns, goofballs, and dorks. They also have to have a good heart inside them. I love guys who care for other's well being and don't get all huffy puffy over someone who has a problem with them. I also have one thing that turns me completely off of a guy. If his whole vocabulary is composed of curse words, then I'll say sayonara to him. It's fine every now and then when stuff slips out but when you say #%%$# and &^%#$ and *$&* that, it's just disgusting.

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