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Question about the Nuvaring

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So, this is a pretty awkward question... but here goes.


I just recently got on birth control. I'm bad at remembering pills, so the doc put me on the Nuvaring. This was about a week and a half ago, and it's been driving me crazy ever since. I've been bleeding for about five or six days now... I was warned about breakthrough bleeding, but I'm beginning to feel like this is excessive.


It also keeps falling out! Not all the way... it just slips down right to the opening of my vagina. I usually have to shove it back up there two to three times a day, if not more. I don't know if I just have a ridiculously long and/or wide vagina or what... but I feel like I can never just shove it far enough up.


So... does breakthrough bleeding usually last that long? And how can I insert this gosh darn thing so it actually stays up? Because right now, it's not winning convenience points...

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So far I've known a few women that used the Nuvaring and none of them were happy with it.


I considered it myself but I don't trust it. The kicker for me was when one of my friends told me that it used to come out attached to her husband when they had sex.


The Nuvaring website gives instructions on what to do if it falls out or slips: link removed and how to put it in.

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Um, that sounds like a great way to be a new mom...especially if it keeps slipping out like that.


I would contact your doctor immediately, it sounds precarious!


It's actually not as dire as it sounds... I'm not having sex yet. I won't be getting married for another few months. I just got on birth control early so I could avoid something like this happening the first few months of marriage.


I do plan on contacting my doctor within the next month if I can't get the ring to stay up there, and earlier if the bleeding doesn't stop soon.


*sigh* I've tried to follow the directions of insertion... and nothing. Still comes out. Argh.

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I've heard some really bad things about the depo shot... I'd be worried about the side-effects.


I hadn't really considered Implanon, simply because the idea of an implant freaks me out a bit. But it looks like it could be a viable option. Thanks!


I feel like I could handle the pill responsibly with practice... it just wouldn't be my first option because it would be a very hard habit for me to get into.

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Firiel, my sister has been on Nuvaring for about 5 years now I think, and has had no complaints. She really likes the in for 3 weeks, out for 1 system, and it has worked well for her.


It falling out doesn't sound normal - I've heard they have different sizes? I would definitely call the pharmacy and describe the problem, see what they think. The spotting sounds relatively normal: I'd give it at least a full cycle before getting discouraged.


The ortho-evra patch is another option if you're forgetful. I have friends who have it and have had good experiences.


Mirena IUD could work too, if you're not planning on having kids anytime soon.

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I'm on my second week of the Nuvaring--and I really like it. I was horrible on the pill--it's really amazing I didn't get pregnant. I always took them at different times of the day, I'd forget all the time and double up the next dose, I was horrible. And I hated it.


I wouldn't try the shot either, I hear it makes you gain weight very quickly, as well as causing SEVERE mood swings and a loss of sex drive.


But I like the Nuvaring. No problems here--it hasn't once moved since I put it in. I really can put it in, and forget it(until my calendar says to take it out). My boyfriend says he can't feel it--and it's never moved or fallen out. Honestly, I've never felt it either after I put it in. I inserted it the day I started my period, and it actually ended my period early, within two days and it was over--no other bleeding for me.


As far as I know, there's only one size for it. They say if you're having trouble keeping it in, that it must not be in far enough. Perhaps you have a unique shape to your body, I would consult your Dr.

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As far as I know, there's only one size for it. They say if you're having trouble keeping it in, that it must not be in far enough. Perhaps you have a unique shape to your body, I would consult your Dr.


Yeah, I was thinking I just might have a funky vag... so you just put it in like it says? There's no secret trick?

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