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Is this a normal part of process?


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Ok so its been nine weeks sense my husband said he wanted a Divorce. We both have lawyers he has already filed ,mine is in the process of the response.

My question is this, I have been through so many different emotions from the beggining. Hurt, betrayel, can't believe this is happening to me after 22 years,I hate you and good I'm glad to get this over and so on. Mow the past few days a new emotion has came up, its one where everyone is suspect to me. I feel like everyone is against me, I even feel my lawyer was short with me today. I feel like I am questioning everyones motive behind every question. Is this normal? Or am I nuts??

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Totally normal. My 12 year relationship ended a month ago and we are currently dealing with a settlement and I feel much the same way you do - all those emotions, all at once or vascillating between all of them in the same day.


It's all part of the emotional rollercoaster of having something so significant end.


I'm sorry you're feeling like this, but I do believe it gets better. It sucks when you can't make a clean break after they leave and still have to deal with all the legal/financial stuff.

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Completely normal, you will go up and down, left and right all in one day. A divorce is like a death and is a really really big shakeup to your system and takes a big toll.


Stay strong, push through it and then get ready for the freedom to forge your own life the way you like


Good luck and take care



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