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same friend, same problem

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hey guys.

Everytime I have posted in the friendship forum it has always been about this same friend. She's dating her first boyfriend (almost 2 months) and basically it seems like she is chucking me to the side. I've done something with her everyday this week (I know I just contradicted myself, but just wait!), but it's only been for like 2 hours at a time. During those two hours all she talks about is her bf and his/her friends. I can tolerate the bf, but I'm not keen on the friends. It feels like she just hangs out with me for a little bit just so she can say that she did. Today for example I was with her for 1/2 hour and wanted to hang out for longer. We couldn't think of anything else to do so she went golfing with him (SHE HATES GOLFING!!). She hates to golf and go bowling and always complains how she doesn't want to do it, but she goes anyways. I don't get it. Infact last week she was thinking about breaking up with him, but now I think her feelings have changed. I talked to her about this about a month ago but nothing has changed.

This whole issue keeps stressing me out and I need advice (from more than just one person please). Why do I keep dwelling on it? I'm going on a trip with her in 8 days and I'm leaving next semester to go to a new college. How can I show her how I feel without telling her, because that didn't work? Should I just stop pushing it and give her space? Please help!!

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