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A couple ?'s about a guy

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There is this guy that i like and he likes me( he told me twice that he did). In school it does not seem like he likes me very much although (we talk like we are just friends, not much flirting) and when we talk online we always run out of things to say. i would like to go out with him but i cant because he is one of my close friends ex, so although we like eachother we cant go out. I have never done anything with him besides cuddling when we hang out, but it always seems the same (oh yah i kissed his leg once, lol) how can i make our relationship more exciting without taking it to the next level like kissing? is there anyway? because i dont have much expirience with kissing and i dont think i am ready.


Also, would he stop liking me all of a sudden? maybe i act different then i did when he was just my friends boyfriend and we were just friends. i think about it and i think i act the same. would he just stop liking me?

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just cuz he doesnt flirt that much at school doesnt mean anything, he's probably just afraid that other people will know that he likes you, and that'd embarrass him. ya we guys are like that, at least the shy ones are. is there any rule that says that because he went out with your friend means u cant go out with him? no, i've dated a girl that was my friends gf for a year, its not that big of a deal. just ask him if he'd like to go out with you, chances r he wants to, but is too afraid to. guys like when that big question is lifted off their shoulders. its no big deal if you arent that experienced at kissing, just fake like you are. if the guy is tho, then just follow his lead. if neither of you are, then Hey!, you're in the same boat. and you can discover together, wow, i sound my dad. freaky. anyways, good luck!

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