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Do girls like singing?

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I think she would Love it!!..I knew a guy once who sang "Can't take my eyes off you" and he held eye contact the WHOLE time with her and when he was done she was in tears cause she loved it soo much.


Sing her something u know she likes?.or sing her My Girl, or I only have eyes for you..those are ones I'd play on CD since I can't sing well



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Do girls like singing?(if ur good anyway) CUz i have a passion for singing and i wonder if i could sing to the girlfriend?

And still the greatest experience is when my bf is singin with me. Sometimes we just walk in a street and sing together...

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Well, there is this girl that i like (adam knows about this), and she was feelin kinda down on herself and she was tired and she asked me to sing her to sleep and play with her hair... she put her head in my lap and laid down accross the couch and i sang "I'll make love to you" by Boyz II Men cuz i knew the words and i also knew she loved that song... well she didnt go to sleep but she loved it a lot... she was in tears but not cuz it was good or anything but because it reminded her of her ex bf that she had to leave behind when she came to America... so that made things actually worse for her... but she commended me for trying and thanked me many times.


the moral of the story is I guess they would like it but try to stay away from songs that would remind them of their ex because if it does remind them then you're not gonna get anywhere cuz they'll be thinkin about them and not you.



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