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The birthday card / gift question

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If she dumped you, and is seeing someone else, for the love of GOd do not send a card, much less alone a mushy one. Not sending her one will send a greater message then actually going out of your way to send her one.


If you dumped her, then send her a friendly card, one with humor.

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I say it depends on the situation...If she dumped you and you two have not remained friends or it was a difficult break...don't send anything, like micheal says it will send a stronger message...


If it was a friendly break, I'd say send her a nice birthday card, no gifts no lovey dovey stuff...Just a nice gesture...

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Oh man confused.Sorry to hear that.


If you send a card, or call her, or text, I would be quite disappointed.


I am not in your shoes, but if I was, I wouldn't even consider it. Dont worry about feeling like a jerk, you will look like a jerk if you send her one, trust me.

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Confused-- It all depends on whether you want her back or not????? If there has been contact between the two of you and if so, how has that gone???


I would say send it if you want to try and get her back and you believe that there may be a slight chance. But not anything lovey dovey. Just something to make her smile! If there hasn't been any indication from her end about whether she wants to get back together or how she feels about the situation, then no, don't send it.


Good Luck!

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She is with someone else.


She dumped him for some he works with. Does anyone else see how wrong that is? How disrespectful this is to the love they shared.


Alright, lets say you send the card. What happens if you get no reply. You will be crushed. What happens if you send, and she replies, but nothing changes. Respect yourself, and she will follow.

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I really see both points, not sure what to do, yep she left me after a really good 3 years to be with this other guy, just after we moved to a different country (but im not blameless, i most have done something wrong, ive never been over emotional with her, and she threw that at me), but i dont want to look like a sore loser, i want to show that im the bigger man, and i do still care for her, so i do want her to have a good birthday, but maybe she doesnt deserve it...

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Im in the same situation, its her bday in 2 weeks, done NC for 4 weeks now. Wasnt really dumped for some1 else but she is with sum1 else now.


My i suggest if u want to send something, how about an ecard?? Doesnt cost anything and shows less effort than a traditional card whilest still showing that uve not 4gotten her bday. Also, consider a short, none soppy text message!


Im still undecided, maybe sending nothing would be best?!

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PLEASE DON'T SEND HER A CARD. In your situation I think that that's the best way to get taken for granted and show her she can lead you on in case this other guy doesn't work out. Apathy in your situation is really the best route. Don't worry about taking the high road. You've gotta take care of yourself here. How high was the road she took when she broke your heart for another guy? If you have any hope of getting her back, being a doormat is NOT THE WAY TO GO.


I myself am having a birthday soon and even though I've asked my ex back, I seriously doubt I'll hear a word from him.



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