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To those who think suicide is an option...

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Hello everyone, I'm asking you to kindly read this as a response to most of the posts in this area, for there are too many to reply to as a whole. I know I am younger than most of you on here, but please pay no attention to that, just read this and take it seriously. For all of the people who have posted here considering suicide....


My name is Niki and I am now 15 years old. By the time I was 14, I had attempted suicide four times and wanted to die. I wasn't depressed, I wasn't lacking my own sanity, and I didn't hate myself. I was just a normal teenager who had a harder life than most. When I was younger, a family member sexually abused me over a period of time, both of my parents were alchoholics and both were abusive. On top of this, I had a sever weight problem that was passed down from my biological mother. So, I've generally been over weight all my life, but that only contributed to my already horrid life. See, I had reasons that most would consider good enough, God knows I thought they were. Now, well....I don't think any reason is good enough to take your own life. And now, even though all these things had been handed to me in life, I overcame them, I lived... I regret the pain that I put my family through and I live my suicide battles everyday. I wake up everymorning and I thank God I'm alive. I live life to the fullest, regardless of other people and how they treat me. You all just need to live life for yourself. This world is NOT perfect, and I'm not saying that one person can change it over night, but I can tell you that if you want something changed you need to do it yourself and get people to help you accomplish making this world a better place for yourself and everyone else. You are of more use to this world alive then dead. And when you think no one cares, someone does, I care, your family cares, people who run help lines care... This letter may not help everyone, but even if it just helps one person to realize they are cared for, I know that I've done my part in helping this world, even if just a little bit. With all this said, I bid you farewell and wish you happiness. If anyone would like to contact me for help or advice, feel free to. I am here for anyone who needs me.

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hey niki,

sounds like you've had it bad....so have i...im14 and ive been wating to kill myslef so less then a year no and i really need some help. all my friends ahte me..i have no one......my mom hates me becuase i got pregnant and had an abortion when i was in grade 6 and i just was pregnant again and had a miscarrage.....my life is horrible and if i do dye i wont have to worry about all that .....am i right/..????......please please can you help me....i almost want to live!!!!...but i really want to dye. do u have msn???


luv *!~Michele*!~

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First off, nice post Niki. I think this will help a lot of people.


Now Michele, it seems that your problems come from your mistakes. Ever wonder why your friends may hate you or why you had an abortion? I suggest you just step back and look at the bad things you've done and try to fix them. You've done good by asking for advice on here, but the rest is up to you. Had you not had sex your mom wouldn't hate you and probably the same goes with your friends. You can't change the past, but you can change what you do in the future. Look forward and just try to do better... you will enjoy life so much more.


- Chris

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hey! I have msn and lack friends I have added you to my msn messenger so we can talk take care...

hey niki,

sounds like you've had it bad....so have i...im14 and ive been wating to kill myslef so less then a year no and i really need some help. all my friends ahte me..i have no one......my mom hates me becuase i got pregnant and had an abortion when i was in grade 6 and i just was pregnant again and had a miscarrage.....my life is horrible and if i do dye i wont have to worry about all that .....am i right/..????......please please can you help me....i almost want to live!!!!...but i really want to dye. do u have msn???


luv *!~Michele*!~

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hey Chris,

i dont really get what your saying. everything i do is a mistake and i cant help it. My friends hate me because they say i lie to much. and i had aan abotion because i couldnt take care of my little girl at such a young age.

My mom told me to always look to the future and work from there. I cant just go back to the past i really try not to dwell on that.

I dont no how i can injoy life. I have been through so many things losing 2 kids is harder than you think Chris.

but thank you for the advice

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