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Going away for college and relationships.


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I have been dating a wonderful guy and things have been getting pretty serious. I really like him, and he really likes me, and things seem great.


However, one thing has been keeping me on the edge of my seat for a while, and that is the fact that I'm going away to college in the Fall. The school is only 3 hours away, but I'm just really antsy as to what I should.


He is 27 and I am 20. I'll be spending two years at Penn State main campus after this semester.


Part of me wants to stay here, and be with him. The other side of it is that I made a pact with my friends that we would all be going to this campus together (this was pre-boyfriend).


The boyfriend says that we'll make it work when I go, and I still get worried. I know it's selfish of me to even think denying my friends, but my feelings just seem to be a whirlwind right now.


Does anyone have any input? Thanks.

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Forget denying your friends, you'll be denying yourself.


You wanted to go to college before this guy was on the scene, and he's willing to try and make things work once you go away. It is far better to go further with your original plans, which were presumably considered and thought out, rather than dropping it all just because you like a guy.


I should know, I did exactly that, and I regret not going to university just because I met a guy. We had a good long relationship but I think if I could go and do it again, I'd put my own life first rather than assuming he was the better choice because of how I felt right then.

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