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should I call her back?

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I am in need of some advice. I am in my thirties. The woman I am attracted to is a little older than me. We are both single. We both lead busy lives. She works seven days a week during the summer, and is very busy right now.


I've called her a few times, and we've talked on the phone for about 30 minutes at least each time. She has not initiated any phone calls yet. She seems to be a little old-fashioned when it comes to phone calls, which I don't mind. She asked me to call her this morning before she left for work, which I did, but there was no answer. I left a message on her answering machine. I was planning to ask her out (finally) and it's too bad that she wasn't there!


Should I call her back tomorrow, or in a few days, or should I let her call me back now?


I don't want to 'chase' her too much...but I also don't want to let the opportunity slip away.


What would you suggest I do?

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Give her a few days to respond. If she doesn't, try calling her at a time you're pretty sure she'll be in - just to give her the benefit of the doubt, in case hmm her answering machine broke down when you left that previous message. If you get the answering machine again, just leave a message where u briefly mention having left a previous one and that you'll leave it to her to get back in touch, all said in a friendly tone of course. Then do leave it to her to return the call.

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A few days sounds like a good idea. I really don't want to 'push' her or come on "too strong". I think she already knows that I like her, IMO it's quite obvious.


So I should probably wait until Thursday to call her again then? That gives her time to call me. Will she think that I've lost interest? I'm a little concerned about that.


I don't really want to leave another message...I'd rather get her on the phone.

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Well...I waited a few days and called her...and guess what, turns out she is still dating her ex! The person who answered the phone told me she was gone out with him! She lied to me...she told me that she was single. She told me it was over with him!


No wonder she never called me! No wonder she was so busy!


The next time I hear a woman tell me that she is 'really busy' I am going to take the hint!

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My friend im going to share some advice with you. If someone is interested in you, they will make time for you. Think about it... if you are interested in a girl and you are a busy man, you're gonna take atleast 5-10 minutes out of your breaktime to give them a call, or when you get home at night even if you're tired you're not gonna call them even if its just to say hi. In my opinion you should have made yourself scarce and then see if she contacted you. Im a firm believer that at the beginning stages of courting it is the man who does most of the work (approaches the girl, initiates conversation with girl, sets up date, picks up girl for date, etc.) But if you have been the one doing all the work up to now and she hasn't given any reciprocation then thats not being "old-fashioned". My friend, thats just no interest in you. For future reference its ok if at first you might be the one doing most of the leg work but if the woman doesn't give anything back then its a good sign that something isn't right.

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Sorry to hear that, ocean9. Good thing you got the truth fairly early. I agree with Apoc and I firmly believe that when you really want something, you will try for it, and the other person will feel your interest. She felt yours, and now you know why you didn't feel hers.

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