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  • 2 months later...

Oh Angel Wings. Go get a 1-800 number and a credit card to speak to yourself. You sound like a commercial ambulance chaser looking to exploit immature adults.


I can't believe there are people like you who cant give out of your heart but rather see people for money.


Your type makes people sick.

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  • 8 months later...

I don't know how old you are, but in response to your question I would like to say that before you pursue asking him... Make sure that is really what you want. I truly do not believe that you are ready because if you were you would not need to question how to ask him to be your first or tell him your a virgin. I'm 16 and still a virgin and I know sometimes temptation is hard to exist, But you have to realize that sex is not just about being physically ready, but mentally and spiritually also. If you really believe that you are ready, then just be straight up with him? Either he's going to say yes or no, but remember eveything happens for a reason. If you decide to pursue this make sure it is something you want for yourself and if you need anyone to talk to about your decision you can email me at email removed. I wish you the best.

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