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She's driving me Crazy! should I stay or should I go!

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If you've seen my other topic, you'll know that my gf and I have been together for four years and have been friends for about ten. We've ben friends siince childhood, but beginning with ighschool, there has been so much sexuak tension between us you could cut it with a knife. One night my sophomore year wwe were out late one night just talking and it just exploded, we were all over each other. It was beautiful and the most passionate moment of my life. We have been together, but in the closet ever since. We've lived together for a year and a half now. She ia going to be a senior in college and I also have only one year left of culinary school. for the first three and a half years we were together things were fantastic, we are so inlove. the real kind of love you know, we see each others shortcomings and have accepted them. We are truly in love, not lust, and were preparing for the long haul, so I thought.

This summer We are both moving back in with our parents. not breaking up, but just because we are noth doing internships in our hometown, our lease is up on the apartment, and we are trying to save money to possibly put a down payment on a house, since we both have great job offers. However, the past three or four months she has been sort of impersonal and cold. Not mean, she just seems like she doesn't care whther or not she sees me or not sometimes. We both work unbearable hours so we don't get to see each other more than an hour or so a day, so we used to make us time. set aside a few hours a week for just us to hang out and catch up. Now that has dissappeared. She always wants to do things with our group of friends, which is fine, but I hsven't talked to her or cuddled or spent time alone with her in 2 months. We ahven't had sex in two and a half months. she just sems so different. I don't know if she's preoccupied with work or there is someone else or what. But when I treat her the same way and act disinterested she is all over me. it's a power stuggle that goes back and forth and it's getting old. I love her and worship the ground she walks on and will for the rest of my life. she is such a wonderful woman she's my rock and my support. I don't want it to be over, but I need to feel loved and appreciated again. And I can't talk ot her, she isn't the confrontational type. she'll just blow me off. So the other night she was all over me, so I ask her to stay with me at my place. and she asys no! I ask why not and she says she has to be at work early. But I have to be at work at 5 in the morning sometimes and I would stay up with her or go out with her becasue I love her and wanted to see her. And when I told her this she asaid "well, I guess you're a better person than I am" What should I do. Can't go on in a relationship like this. should I stay or break it off?

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I honestly couldn't tell you why your girlfriend is acting this way. It could be for a lot of reasons ranging from stress at work, home, etc.. to she is just feeling depressed. If you truly want to know what is going on with her you are going to have to ask and confront this issue. You can't avoid it anymore and you have to be honest with her, otherwise you aren't going to get anywhere.


If she is loving and understanding, she'll understand where you are coming from and listen to you. Hopefully she'll have a reason to explain why she has been acting differently as well and perhaps a solution for it.


You love this woman very much, and you two have a long history together. It doesn't sound to me like you just want to give up on her, so don't do that. Try everything you can. You need to figure out how to solve this issue.


Maybe it's a matter of her wanting space, feeling inadequate in the relationship or as a person, etc. You need to figure out and make sure you are providing everything you can for her as a boyfriend, but make sure it's the right thing you are providing.

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  • 3 years later...

she has emotionally checked out of the relationship.


see how actoins speak louder than words??


she is definitely having doubts. big time.


maybe do yourself a favour and decide to be apart so she doesnt end up dumping you first.


breaks dont work either. this is really sad because it is just what i went through.


you have to talk to her about it. or comunicate somehow.


i would write down your concerns and give them to her, or email her. or ask her first if she wants to talk as you really need to, try to pick the right time.


and be prepared because it will get worse before it gets better.


whatever the out come, it will be the right one, because you both deserve to be happy. you will be okay whatever the out come after time.





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