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My friend, Paulette "Gay" Unglesby


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I am a 25 year old Nail technician , I get pretty attached my clients. Gay was 56 years old when she died. I knew her and did her nails for several years. We became ultimately close where she would come every sunday religiously to get her nails done and talk to me. She said getting her nails done by me is cheaper than going to therapy. She battled cancer and was cancer free for several years. She was an alcoholic and became sober for 20 plus years. She then became the manager for U.S navy financial department. I adored her because she was so humble and cute lady. She is the most Generous person I have ever known. She would give me $100 tip, and sometimes I would not accept it because I love our friendship and money did not bother me. She had a heart of gold. She was ill, she wouldn't tell me anything..but she would take these prescription drugs because her joints hurting..I see her kinda abusing it and thought it was wrong. I recall telling her to be careful.




I left the salon without saying goodbye to her.. and when I left after a Month, I found out she died.. she had drown in her bathtub. I wish I was still there for another month to see what had happened with her life.. I feel horrible for not saying goodbye when I left the salon. I left the salon to move closer to my ex boyfriend down south.. and now, I regret it.


I miss her so much.


Rest In Peace. I love you and Miss you

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My heart goes out to you in sympathy for the loss of your dear friend and client. I understand how painful it is to not have said goodbye before you left, but as many people have told me, those who have passed on can still hear us and know that we love them.


May Gay's soul be free and joyous as she continues on her journey of love......

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