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Couple Questions

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Might as well get right to the point


Me and my boyfriend, have been dating for almost a year, and i feel im ready for sex, we've gone as far as oral, he's told me he's ready, and it's up to me, and to make sure i'm 110% sure i am.



1) If i'm on birthcontrol, and he uses a condom, the chances of me becoming pregnant are like, slim to none right?


2) Neither one of us has any STD's, so we cant just like, contract one magically can we?


Call me a lil crazy, im just a lil scared. I love him to death, and i feel this is a good step in our relationship if it were to happen, my only big fear is pregnancy at my age.


I know protection protection protection! lol Thanks if you can answer my 2 questions.

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There is always a chance of pregnacy, but using the protection your talking about it should be pretty safe...


16 is in my mind too young to be having sex, it makes you grow up way to quick...Im not telling you not to, but just make sure that he's the real deal and in it for the long term and that you're really ready for the resposibilities and the emotional impact it can and will have...

Remember it's one of those things you can never get back...just be really sure...

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You sound really grounded and ready. I disagree with Dikaia on this one - if you feel ready, you probably are. And as long as you are playing safe, you should have little to worry about.


Enjoy - it's a wonderful new world you are entering!


G xx

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Well, I agree with dikaia. You should think about it more deeply. Losing your virginity can't be an easy thing to do. It's even worse if you loose it to someone you are not sure is willing to spend the rest of his life with you. If he then decides to break up with you, then you will always be left with the emotional baggage sex brings. He will be taking a part of you. I am not telling you to wait until you are married. Just make sure he is dead serious about his relationship with you, and that he really loves you.

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If you are ready go for it.


Life is too short to worry about him breaking your heart and all that mombo jumbo.


He has stuck by you for one year, talk about commitment.


Be safe, use condoms, you are on the pill, the chances you getting pregnant are slim to none. Have fun with it. It will further your relationship and you get to experience what true love for another is like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

no, you can't magically contract a STD - it's sexually transmitted. better be sure though, he could magically give one to you. most guys that cheat are pretty bad about honesty anyway...

but if you're sure, than heck, you're sure! it's your call to open up that door, and he's abviously knocking. have fun! bring handcuffs (ok, ok, wait a little while for the handcuffs...)

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