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Is this some sort of power play?

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Haven't been on here in awhile, mostly because I am over my ex and starting to get back out into the dating scene again. I have already come to the realization that my ex was something I didn't want, but that I only got into the dangerous "comfortable" stage that no one wants to be in because they are treated horribly.


Anyway, I took her off of facebook and cut her off from everything. She contacted me about a month ago wondering why I cut her off and I sent a short reply. Since then nothing.


Last night on facebook, on a picture of me and a friend of mine, she posted a comment trying to be funny. My friend is only a mutual friend of hers because my friends really enjoyed my ex being around. Anyway, after a month of no contact, why would she all of the sudden post a comment on something KNOWING that I can see it? What part of "I need you out of my life" didn't she understand?


So is this some sort of power play on her side trying to get back into my life? Because it's not going to work. She betrayed my heart for the last time and I am not falling for it anymore. It was her choice to go running off with some older guy, so that's her decision that she has to live with.

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You say you deleted her as a Facebook friend? So she is posting the comment on the photo of your friend??


It sounds as though she is just trying to be funny. There are no such thing as power plays when it comes to this, so I might try not to over-think it if I were you: just carry on getting over her and leave it there; she's not in your life as anything more than history and background now.


Hope this helps

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