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Reality vs. what we feel?


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After 2 excruciating months of anger, pain, hurt, sadness and lonliness I finally felt almost all of those emotions disappear except for sadness. I was trying to convince myself that my ex would never want to get back together with me though my heart was telling me otherwise. Has anyone ever felt that way?

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Yes I have awhile back. In my last relationship, I was hoping that he was going to come back to be, while I was slowly but steadily trying to drill in my head that he wasn't going to come back. I finally got to the conclusion that if he was going to come back to me, he was going to have to see it for himself, not me trying to force him to see it. From there, I moved on and I'm now having a better life while he's still in his little world, not knowing or wanting to know what a great girl he had lost.

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Yeah i have this at the moment, its so annoying, in my head i know she isnt coming back and i start moving on, and then when i am doing really well, and dont think about her very much i have a dream about her and it puts me right back to square one. it literally happens every couple of weeks and i dont know why. takes me a few days to get out of the rut it puts me into :sad:

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Yeah i have this at the moment, its so annoying, in my head i know she isnt coming back and i start moving on, and then when i am doing really well, and dont think about her very much i have a dream about her and it puts me right back to square one. it literally happens every couple of weeks and i dont know why. takes me a few days to get out of the rut it puts me into


Tell me about those danged dreams. Had one the night before last, woke up in a cold sweat full of the that old/new friend anxiety. Takes days to get past that feeling(s). Stoopid heart.

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