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Just gotta catch his attention! But how?

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Okay heres the sitch! I've liked this guy for a while, but we've always been friends! He's the sweetest thing around, and by far the hottest! We are on the same 'social level' so were good there! lately we've been writing notes to each other, and lately i've been seeing if he'd write to me first, he looks almost like he expects me to do it! We'd usually talk about skool stuff and stuff like dat and id usually ask him if he still was going out w/ brittany (his GF) and 2 days ago he was all sad cuz she dumped him, but he wasn't really sad because he thought that they would get back together. I knew they wouldn't. Today he sayed he didn't like her anymore and he hoped he never would see him again. He was a little stndoffish to me to. I like him alot, i go to his house sometimes with me old friend (she hates me now) he is always really sweet. I'd like to tell him that i like him, but i'm not that type. I am usually loud, and very talkative, but thats the one think i can't do. Any help would be greatly appriciated, thanks,


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Okay.. first off.. STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. heh. Right now, he is dealing with a world of pain. What he needs in you is a friend to confide in. The last thing he needs is another relationship changing. You need to try to be there for him and give him some time to heal. If you do, things will probably work out better for you in the end. Also, with you being there for him, your relationship might become closer.


Trust me, when he has had enough time to heal, he will treat you much better then otherwise Have some patience, it will pay off.

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