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Truth or dare...

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This friday I was playing truth or dare with my 3 closest friends: 2guys and a girl. We ended up going farther then we thought we would and like daring eachother to make out in a closet... This next Friday we are gonna all go over to my friend's house and play again, this time with an other person too...a guy named troy who i happen to like...alot. . I really like this guy but he doesn't like me...(i don't think he does). I think this would be a prime time to get him to like me, but how? Please reply....I will read and consider any post. If you do post, thank you very much, I really do appriciate it.

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I would say just be yourself. If he doesn't like you for that, then hes not worth. Don't try to impress him because that will just make you look bad & you can't go forever trying to impress him. I think you should be yourself & whatever happens is whats meant to happen between you both. You can't make someone like you if they don't.

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Maggie is right on the mark.


If you try to be different, try to be somebody you're not, then you'll have the eternal difficulty of trying to keep up that persona.


It's tough, to try to be yourself though I know. Try to treat him about the same as you would anybody else, with maybe slightly more attention. Certainly don't completely ignore him by being too hard to get. And don't be too attentive at first, that might make him back away.


If you do something you think is embarrassing, don't worry about it. Don't overreact. Best thing you can ever do in an embarrassing situation is laugh at yourself. And everybody will laugh with you.


Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been browsing the kiss section and came accross this, believe me we played spin the bottle and my friend joseph his crush was there but she didnt like him. He was really annoyed at us all cause we all ended up geting to kiss her except for him. In the end he did kiss her and what'd you know thwy like each other lots now.


I agree keep it cool and relax dont make a big impression i have done it and it doesnt go very far...believe me, good luck and hope it works



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